NERD ALERT: Im gonna spew a small theory I just thought of about - TopicsExpress


NERD ALERT: Im gonna spew a small theory I just thought of about the new Star Wars film, based on another leaked picture. Ill try to make it easy to follow for those not familiar with the Star Wars Expanded Universe. So, pull up a stump by the fire and get comfortable! Many YEEEEAARRRSSSS ago... I was born. And then I blew your mind with the following. A lot of people have been talking about this new, potentially-fake, leaked picture thats popped up of our favourite/despised Crossguard-Lightsaber Sith, and how hes wearing a mask similar to Darth Revans (which is believed to be of Mandalorian make, and, besides Boba Fett, the Mandalorians are pretty much dead and gone). With Disney having wiped out the Star Wars Expanded Universe, or so they say, Revan theoretically should never have existed, as he was the main character of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game... However, some people have taken this to mean that they can now mix and match any of the Expanded Universes best tat with the new films. A rumour is spreading... Have you felt it? The fans believe the new villain is Revan. I dont. Despite the fact that Revan should be dead for about 4000 years before these new films actually take place, some are convinced that wiping out the EU negates this. I am personally of the opinion that it IS Revans mask the Crossguard Sith is wearing, but he himself is not Revan. If Revan is alive in THIS time period (i.e.: post Return of the Jedi), then that means all the greatness about him never actually happened. So hes just a regular bad guy if thats the case. I believe the Crossguard Sith isnt really a Sith at all. In fact, he may not even be evil. If he truly wears the mask, then he would most likely be doing it to pay homage to one of the most powerful Sith/Jedi in Star Wars history. Why would he pay homage to someone who was on both sides of the fence, youre asking, like an intrigued geek? Lets examine his lightsaber for a second. It looks old. As in, it has a medieval feel about it, and the blade is clearly unstable. It appears to be more ancient (it looks as though the beams from the crossguard are actually exhaust ports, venting excess energy from a crystal thats too powerful). It could easily be an ancient artifact, which would lend to the fact that our forest-dwelling bad-ass likes old tech (Revans mask - we know it is old, because of its Mandalorian design). Not only that, but the color is actually more of an orange/bronze color, rather than the Sith red we are used to. This is interesting, because bronze and orange lightsabers have been used by both Dark and Light side Force users. So following this train of thought, I came to the conclusion that our mystery boy is actually a Grey Jedi - one who follows neither the codes of the Jedi or the Sith (yes, they ARE in the EU). Either that, or hes a staunch follower of Revan, like some sort of crazy cultist. Which, while possible, wouldnt really fit with the theme of the Star Wars movies thus far. Do you remember what that entire six-movie journey was about? Bringing BALANCE TO THE FORCE. Grey Jedis are technically in balance with the Force. Revan was both a Jedi and a Sith, yet never really followed either path. The lightsaber color is used by both the Dark side and the Light. And even the narrator of the teaser trailer says there has been an awakening in the Dark side in the shot showing us the Grey Jedi with his lightsaber - whom we all assume to be evil at this point - and then immediately cuts to black to mention the awakening of the Light as well. Interesting that we dont see a Jedi to reflect the subject of the narration... the last thing we saw was the hooded man in the forest, whom we all ASSUMED to be evil... So is the mention of the Light still referring to him? To be fair, the next shot is of the Millennium Falcon flying around, so he COULD be referring to those inside the ship... maybe. But cinematography tells a lot, even in an teaser trailer. It would tie everything from the last movies together if we saw the product of the Force in balance: a Grey Jedi; a neutral Force user. Both the Jedi and the Sith are incredibly flawed in their ideals, and have caused them to wage war for millennia. Perhaps he is here to finally end the war between the Rebels and the Imperials. Speculation is circling Boyegas role in the film, as we see he is dressed as a Stormtrooper at the start of the trailer. Most people suspect he is an Imperial who disagrees with their practices and wants to escape. This further implicates that there will be a blending of the good and bad guys. This new trilogy has a nice soil to work with here, if Im right. We could finally see a real conclusion, where there is no longer constant war between the Dark and Light sides of the Force, and instead both are used in harmony. The Jedi and Sith used to be one faction when Force users were FIRST organizing as an order. They split, and the two sides became polar opposites of each other. Now we might be able to see, over the course of the new movies, the two finally reuniting. Or he could just be another generic bad-guy with a weird lightsaber and this movie could be totally forgettable. What do I know? Any thoughts?
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 01:50:30 +0000

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