NEVERS RESTARTS HIS RACE FOR PLOT ONE Movement for Multiparty - TopicsExpress


NEVERS RESTARTS HIS RACE FOR PLOT ONE Movement for Multiparty Democracy Presidential candidate Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba on Sunday 21st December 2014 continued from where he had left off in his bid for Plot One by holding a campaign rally in Kasama. He was accompanied by several top members of the MMD leadership. In his company were Acting National Secretary Honorable Mwansa Mbulakulima, Acting Vice-National Secretary Ms Winnie Zaloumis, Trustee Dr. Peter Machungwa, National Youth Chairman and Muchinga Member of Parliament Honorable Howard Kunda, Acting Treasurer Mrs. Elizabeth Chitika Molobeka and the entire Northern Province Executive Leadership as well as members from the Muchinga Provincial leadership. Dr. Mumba spelled out his vision for a new Zambia in which Education will be the key focus to enable Zambia to be an equal among the developed nations of the world. His vision was differentiated from others who talk about free education without linking it to anything. Dr. Mumba’s spelled out his vision of creating a pool of educated Zambian technocrats who will help create Zambia into a Centre of Excellence in various fields. One of the speakers at the rally was Mr. Kamuti, MMD Chairman for Transport and Communications who had travelled all night from Mongu, Western Province (where he is based) to come and witness the Nomination of MMD Presidential candidate Dr Mumba. After Dr Mumba had successfully lodged in his papers, he was so moved that he decided to accompany the campaign team to Kasama. At the rally, he said that those Lozis who have decided to work with UPND have forgotten how Sakwiba Sikota, then Vice-President to the late Anderson Mazoka and other leaders of different tribes, were unceremoniously thrown out of a convention that elected Hakainde Hichilema as president of UPND. He said in MMD, he as a Lozi has found full acceptance from the MMD leadership, especially Dr. Mumba whom he finds extremely accommodating of all tribes. He called on all Lozis to trust Nevers Mumba as he is an honest person who shall not crook them as others have done. The message from Ms Zaloumis was that as a Tonga woman born in Macha in Choma, she has come to trust Dr. Mumba as she has felt accepted and respected. She has called on the people of Northern Province to give Dr. Mumba a resounding vote. Speaking towards the end of the campaign rally, Dr. Machungwa informed the rally that he was in Parliament when Dr. Mumba was Republican Vice-President and head of Government in Parliament during late President Levy Mwanawasa’s reign and was always struck by the eloquence, intelligence, expertise and smart disposition with which he led deliberations in the House. He has no doubt that armed with this experience and that acquired as a Diplomat in a developed nation like Canada, Zambia will have a President in Dr Mumba to be proud of, who will once again clean the disgraced image of Zambia; who will articulate issues intelligently in global meetings and will never bring embarrassment to the nation as has been the case in the past. Earlier in the day, Dr Mumba preached at Victory Bible Church and also paid a courtesy call on Chief Chitimukulu Henry Kanyanta Sosala with whom he had warm cordial talks.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 23:47:15 +0000

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