NEW BLOG Family and friends have very kindly written us letters - TopicsExpress


NEW BLOG Family and friends have very kindly written us letters and notes for us to open us as we make our way through this journey! Without question they have been a massive help and bridge back to life at home, I could reel off to you the exact date that Im am allowed to open each letter in my collection. This quote was included by my wise father in his lost recent message which i opened just after we scooted past that half way marker: ‘ Time is a river of passing events and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to the surface than it is swept away by another that takes its place, and this too shall be swept away. – Marcus Aurelius Just after i read this Jamie reiterated the message and reminded us of something that had been written to him when he reached this stage on his Atlantic Crossing. ‘ Careful not to blink, it will be over before you know it’ – In short, pay attention to what surrounds you NOW and appreciate it before you lose the chance. Time will always keep moving and events will pass; get the most out of them while you can. It is easy for us to become so enrapt with the finish line, and all the joy and excitements which will no doubt surround that day that we end up overlooking all that envelops us right now. Like so many people out there, the thought of happiness is often more pleasing than the happiness itself. Anyhow it takes a night like last night to remind ourselves of this fact sometimes. Calm cool winds and fast currents permitted us to disregard our many ailments and discomforts, and recognize how fortunate we are going through such an experience. It was an absolute beauty! In 31 days we have seen far more whales than other boats, been favoured with a greater exhibition of stars than even the daily mail can offer and not sighted one single airplane . Add to that the astonishing sunsets / rises that we bear witness to each day and Id challenge the most cold blooded amongst us to not be emotionally stirred to life. To wake up to such a clear and ever changing horizon is not something that we will be canny to many times in our life. The whole experience almost makes you appreciate ocean rowing. Dont get me wrong, every third thought I entertain right now returns back to how a unic would make fantastic ocean rower. The Gaza strip is undoubtedly less deplorable than my nether regions at this time. To add insult to injury, the food is still dire; the yogurt and muesli that Im chowing down on righty now tastes more like a by-product of a virile bull than any dairy cow but still, with not ‘too’ long to go now I hope, and I ‘m sure it will be, only the positive episodes and ordeals that I take away from this adventure. we have been fantastically lucky to be able to attempt such a feat and to be going through this experience as a group. Its one i certainly wont forget in a hurry. Why am i bothering to say all this... its easy to become bogged down in the negatives on a trip like this, to grope after pity from those back home as we take on the many trials and tribulations of such a crossing. It would be amiss of us not to let you know that it does have some first class moments which shouldnt fall between the cracks. One particular area which never ceases to amaze me is the crew itself! Harder than any Hells Angel, yet with a insatiable appetite for potty humour, i mean, what else could you need or want on an ocean! With renewed vigour having reached that half way point, and now being able to see miles dripping away each shift is approached with burring intensity. Change overs have never been smoother and the team are not missing any opportunity to chip away at those miles when the weather allows. It would be wise to warn against an early ‘burn out’ but i know none of us will take it on board (couldnt help it) and audaciously, i am convinced we are all too pig headed to allow ourselves the luxury of exhaustion! Lets just see how we fair....
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 19:01:47 +0000

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