NEWS & NOTICES for this Sunday, September 1, 2013 are as follows: - TopicsExpress


NEWS & NOTICES for this Sunday, September 1, 2013 are as follows: WELCOME—In the Name of Christ, we bid you welcome to this Church especially our Guest Preacher, the Rev’d. Fr. Ian V. Claridge, Rector of St. Mary Magdalene in Grandbahama, The Bahamas. May those who sorrow find comfort; the weary, rest; the troubled, peace; the stranger, friends; the unhappy, joy; and to all, the sense of God’s presence in this Holy place. ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER—This week we are asked to pray for the Diocese of Saldanha Bay in South Africa; for the Bishop, the Rt. Rev’d. Raphael Hess, the clergy and people. Pray for: All primary and secondary schools, universities, colleges and institutes and for all who teach and those who learn. Pray for persons in our parish who are studying aboard: Ms. Nollene Sutherland (Barbados); Ms. Nadique Browne - Collins (Barbados) and Ms. Alessa Lynch (Venezula). CONTINUED THANKS—to the King and Johnson family, the Mother’s Union, Sunday School, Mary Mucket, Sybil Huggins and Veronica Martin for their contributions of Altar wine and candles to the Parish Church. Thanks is expressed to Ms. Calma McDonald and Mrs. Avis Woods for their contribution of people’s host to Holy Name, Sandy Bay. ALL WOMEN—are asked to remain behind after Mass for a brief 5—10 minute meeting with the Parish Priest, thank you. FELLOWSHIP—will be held after the service on the lawn. Please take a moment to share in a light refreshment and conversation. EVENSONG—will be held this evening at 6:30 PM. All parishioners are encouraged to attend. WEEKDAY MASS—resumes at its usual days (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) and time (6:30 AM). All parishioners are encouraged to make their communion at least once during the week. BIBLE STUDY—resumes at its usual days (Tuesday @ Holy Trinity and Thursday @ Holy Name) and time (6:00 PM). We begin with the topic, “Tithing”. Bring a friend to join in our provocative discussion. PARISH CHURCH COUNCIL—will be held tomorrow, Monday, September 2nd 2013 at 5:30 PM. INSTITUTION AND INDUCTION—The Institution and Induction of the Rev’d Everton Weekes, as Rector of the Parish of St. Mary’s, Bequia, the Grenadines, is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday 3rd September 2013 being the feast of Gregory, the Great, Bishop of Rome at St. Mary’s Parish Church, Port Elizabeth, Bequia. Your prayers and presence are requested. THE HOLY BAPTISM WILL BE ADMINISTERED—there will be one service next week at 8 AM on Sunday, 8 September 2013 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Commercial Road, Georgetown, St. Vincent on the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost commemorating the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Those persons who desire their child(ren) to be baptized are kindly asked to collect a baptismal form from the parish office. The MANDATORY BAPTISM CLASS will be held 10 AM on Saturday, 7 September in the Parish Hall. ALTAR SERVERS COMISSIONING SUNDAY—next week servers will receive their new cassocks and cottas, crosses, certificates and will be actively involved in the Mass. ORDINATION— By the Grace of God, the Rev’d Mrs. Eleanor C. Glasgow will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Priest along with Mrs. Myrtle Gordon and Ms. Yvette Calliste to the Holy Order of Deacons 5 PM on Monday, September 9th 2013 being the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the St. Patrick’s Church, Sauteurs, St. Patrick, Grenada. FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR—Persons desirous of making a donation to purchase flowers in thanksgiving for marriage, anniversary of marriage, birthday or in loving memory of relatives and friends may contact the church office. Flowers do not adorn the Sanctuary during Advent & Lent. THE GIFTS OF THE PEOPLE— Gifts to your church are always thankfully received. Your gifts may be in kind or cash. Essentials needed for services are: Communion wafers—$60.00 XCD; Case of Communion Wine—$245.00 XCD and; Candles—$6.00 XCD. “Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you” – Deuteronomy 16:17.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 20:17:58 +0000

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