NMCF NAF BASE KD UNIT: MON 10 MARCH 2014 - GRACE, A TIME OF MERCY AND FAVOR (Joshua 24) A. Prayers/Worship (Amadi Udu) - Song - THE STEADFAST LOVE OF THE LORD NEVER CEASETH, GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS...; thank You Lord for Your unfailing love towards us and grace - dying for u while we yet sinners, we give You praise for the sacrifice of Jesus that has fully paid all required for the redemption of mankind. Song - EMMANUEL ... YOUR NAME IS GOD, EMMANUEL ...(Kehinde Olaniran). Prayers - Fire of the Holy Ghost to be upon us to continue to stir us to good works etc, we receive Your word O Lord that does us good, have Your way Lord (TONGUES), we receive Your in filling and utterance, being hearers and doers of Your word, receiving understanding. Song - GLORIOUS GOD, BEAUTIFUL KING, EXCELLENT GOD, I BOW BEFORE YOUR THRONE ... BOW BEFORE YOUR THRONE, BOW BEFORE YOUR THRONE...WORSHIP AT YOUR FEET, YOUR NAME IS ALPHA, OMEGA, AGELESS, CHANGELESS, ALMIGHTY JEVOVAH, GLORIOUS GOD WE BOW BEFORE YOUR THRONE. TONGUES - we thank You Father and just exalt You because You are worthy. Song - YOU ARE WONDERFUL, YOU ARE WORTHY O LORD...; YOU ARE WORTHY TO BE GLORIFIED, YOU ARE WORTHY JEHOVAH, YOU ARE WORTHY TO BE GLORIFIED, YOU ARE WORTHY LORD... We surrender ourselves to You and receive REST O LORD BECAUSE YOU ARE GOD OF ALL FLESH AND THERE IS NOTHING TOO HARD FOR YOU TO DO. Song - YOU REIGN .STANDING IN MY HEART TO BRING YOUR WORD TO PASS... YOU REIGN ... OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD...2 Chronicles 6:9 (thank You Lord because we trust You - Hebrews 11:6, thank You Lord because You know us and have made us clean, readily receiving Your word. B. Moi - Mark 10:23-27/9:23-24 and 1 Peter 4:10 (THE MANIFOLD GRACE OF GOD) 1. DEFINITIONS a. Grace - Recipient is not qualified - whatever he or she gets is just given. Hence, GETTING WHAT WE DONT DESERVE. b. Time - Could be unspecified period of time - in terms of past, present or future or as relating to seasons or hours, minutes and seconds. c. Mercy - Related to forgiving a fault - NOT PUNISHED AS WE DESERVE d. Favor - APPROVAL OF SOMEONE OR LIKING FOR THE PERSON SO AS TO BE KIND TO THE PERSON OR PUT AT AN ADVANTAGE (example of Daniella who was standing on the line, someone just walked to her and gave her fresh papers to submit). Summary: Mankind being in a period/dispensation (TIME) where God has completely forgiven/pardoned our every sin (MERCY) like we never committed them because He had made JESUS pay the full penalty for them, then gave us (GRACE) His very kind of life (ZOE) which encompasses His glory, righteousness, wisdom, health, wealth, strength, power as well as fruit and gifts of the Spirit not because we merited it but because He loves and approves of us (FAVOR) - John 3:16-18, 5:24 and Titus 2:11-12. 2. Text: Joshua 24 (Judges 2:6-15). 3. Why GRACE? BECAUSE BY VOW, STRENGTH, DETERMINATION ETC SHALL NO MAN PREVAIL: Jeremiah 17:5-8 (Joseph and Daniel had put their trust in God first before they could resist or determine). Ephesians 2:7-18, Romans 3:23-24, Philippians 1:3-6 and 2:12-13 and Titus 2:11-15. First time used in the Bible was Genesis 6:8 and Noah found grace with God (Hebrews 11:5-6) and last time used was in Revelations 22:21. Mk 4. What are some examples of those who walked in GRACE: a. Rahab (Joshua 2:1-21 and 6:15-17 and 25- underlying thing is that (1) she knew and believed the God of Israel, (2) was ready to die for what she believed - more loyal to God than the king and put the scarlet rope signifying the BLOOD and (3) her faith saved her household: Acts 16:31) GRACE MAKES US BELIEVE IRRESPECTIVE OF OURSELVES FOR THE BENEFIT OF OURSELVES AND OTHERS b. Mephiboseth (2 Samuel 9:1-13 and 19:24-30 - underlying thing is that (1) he received favor because of Jonathan his father (typifying Jesus) because he was not qualified (2) irrespective of his misdemeanor in quote, David (did not jump to conclusions) and (3) nothing mattered to him again except the lot of David, ie will of God - GRACE OPENS OUR HEART TO OBEY AND GIVE OURSELVES PLUS OUR RESOURCES - example of the Macedonian vs Corinthian Churches. c. Mary of Magdala (Mark 14:3-9 (woman in Simon d Lepers house who prepared Jesus body for burial), Luke 7:36-50 (town harlot in Simon the Pharisees house who greatly appreciated that her sins were forgiven) and John 12:1-8 (Mary in Lazarus house who prepared Jesus body for burial). (1) A woman recognized the worth of Jesus (2) brought an expensive gift and did an extraordinary thing (3) It was in response to Gods love. GRACE MAKES US GIVE UNIMAGINABLE THINGS AND DO EXTRAORDINARY THINGS IN WORSHIP WHICH IS CONSIDERED FOOLISH TO OTHERS d. Paul (Acts 9:1-31 and 1 Corinthians 15:3-11 (10) GRACE CHANGES US AND MAKES US RUN FASTER THAN ANYBODY BECAUSE WE JUST STAYED IN OUR CALLING, MOREOVER WE ARE NOT COMPETING WITH ANYONE BECAUSE WE ARE ALL UNIQUE WORKMANSHIP OF GOD WITH UNIQUE GIFTING. 5. How do we benefit from GRACE? Receive, Believe and Give/Tell (demo same to) others: John 1:12-13, 3:16-18 and 5:24 (Colossians 2:14), Matthew 18:21-35 (story of the unforgiving servant). WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO ME AS A SOLDIER IS TO BELIEVE I AM A SOLDIER AND I WILL NOT DO THINGS OF A CIVILIAN (live carefree and frivolously, without discipline and focus on obeying the mission for my life through knowledge, preparation and doing it). HOW? (1) Study to show ourselves approved, (2) Pray in the Holy Ghost, (3) Fellowship with like minds, (4) Submit to the Anointed - Holy Spirit and MoG that can be trusted and (5) Obey the promptings of our hearts. Summary - SO NOW THAT WE HAVE BEEN SHOWN GRACE, ITS GODs TIME OF MERCY AND FAVOR FOR EVERYONE SO WE CAN STAND IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND NEWNESS OF LIFE SIMPLY BY RECEIVING AND BELIEVING AND THEN EXTEND SAME TO OTHERS EVEN AS WE PREACH BY THE TESTIMONY OF OUR LIVES AND WORDS - Psalm 40:1-3. AMEN C. Amadi Udu - Song: HE HAS PROMISED HE WILL NEVER FAIL, HIS FAITHFULNESS IS FOR EVERMORE, HIS FAITHFULNESS IS FOREVER MORE. Thank You Lord because we are saved by grace and received by faith, not by ourselves so we can boast. Song - MY HOPE IS BUILT ON NOTHING ELSE BUT CHRIST RIGHTEOUSNESS ... ON CHRIST THE SOLID ROCK I STAND, ALL OTHER GROUND IS SINKING SAND.... I refuse to trust myself, any man and any other thing outside what Christ has done for me. I receive Your grace - NOT I BUT YOUR GRACE O LORD. D. Announcements (Amadi Udu): (1) Introductions of NMCF, 30 years this year assisting the local assembly to function and build builders to be rooted in Christ. (2) NMCF CELEBRATIONS - Theme: CELEBRATING 30 YEARS OF GODs FAITHFULNESS, Convention fees: N1,000 - N20,000 and above, good to attend those meetings to be stirred up by testimonies, we should also excel in the grace of giving. MANIFOLD GRACE OF GOD - has many colors and so need to know Christ in all its entirety. THE GRACE.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 03:58:24 +0000

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