NO TO TALUKSANGAY RESETTLEMENT AREA! NO TO BUNKHOUSES! NO TO HABITAT FOR HUMANITY! JUST SEND US HOME! STOP MISMANAGING AND WASTING 22 MILLION PESOS! FULFILL THE AMANAT AND BE TRISTWORTHY HAVE YOU NOT HAD ENOUGH WHEN YOU WASTED DUE TO DELAY AND NEGLIGENCE 800 KILOS OF BEEF FOR EIDUL ADHA OF EVACUEES??????? Is the City Govt DENSE or JUST PLAIN STUBBORN? Two qualities: 1. denseness 2. stubbornness which LEADERS must break free from by taking supplementary dosage of sensitivity and flexibility. What would they do with the bunkhouses worth 10 million anyway if they are holding another 12 million pesos for TALUKSANGAY resettlement area to be developed by Habitat for Humanity? xxx completion of 6 bunkhouses at the xxx Taluksangay resettlement area will be developed by the Habitat for Humanity, and for this purpose, Php 12 million downloaded xxx by DSWD Assistant Regional Director Consejo Usman. xxxDSWD spends a total of Php 4 million for food packs which are provided every other day.xxxx Beng Climaco Habitat for Humanity Opapp Peace Process DSWD Noynoy Aquino (P-Noy) I Love Rio Hondo where I belong Lahir Batin @ Crisis Management Committee READ MORE.... Relief ops in evac centers continue October 25, 2013 at 10:44am The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) remain active players in the rehabilitation and rebuilding process as they continue providing vital services to address the current and future needs of affected families. In terms of temporary shelters, the DSWD reported the xxx completion of 6 bunkhouses at the This is part of the agreement between the DSWD and the 52nd Engineering Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Philippines to establish 21 bunkhouses for approximately 400 families sheltered at the sports complex. On the other hand, the xxx Taluksangay resettlement area will be developed by the Habitat for Humanity, and for this purpose, Php 12 million xxx has already been downloaded, said DSWD Assistant Regional Director Consejo Usman. In light of the congestion of evacuation centers, especially at the Grandstand, the establishment of these temporary shelters is seen as instrumental in the maintenance of the sanitation and environment of the centers. While the shelters are being constructed, the DSWD and the CSWDO will continue to look after the welfare of the evacuees, specifically in the provision of their basic needs. The two organizations currently share the responsibility of maintaining the 25 evacuations still in operation, serving a total of 8,989 families. Among the services extended by the DSWD and CSWDO is the provision of food packs to families in evacuation centers and home-based evacuees. The xxxDSWD spends a total of Php 4 million for food packs which are provided every other day.xxxx Aside from food, the CSWDO also engaged evacuees for social preparation activities in anticipation of their transition from the evacuation centers to their places of origin, and in the case of those whose homes were totally destroyed, to the resettlement areas being development. (Jasmine Mohammadsali)
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 06:25:20 +0000

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