NO VOTE, NO REPRESENTATION, NO AUTHORITY, NO LEGAL PROCESS. IF YOU EMBRACE A DICTATORSHIP THEN YOU EMBRACE THE COMMON CORE. repealthecommoncore amazon/Its-Broken-Dont-Fix-Edu…/…/ref=sr_1_1… NO ACT OF CONGRESS, NO EXECUTIVE ORDER, NO STATE Initiative, no public meetings, no adoption process, no parent rights, no review board, no public involvement, no media coverage, no debates, no democratic process, no state board initiative, no right to self sovereignty, no ballots, no votes, no consent by the people, no supervision by local officials, no right to opt out of the curriculum, no text without cc approval, no right to see the tests, no state control over testing, no privacy for our children, no choice, no God, no emotions, no freedom, no more the America we love, no more the home of the Free. If you believe in America then sign the Declaration of Independence from the Common Core and post it on your school, your districts, your representatives office, and your state capitols. Let them know you want your God given rights back. Let them know they cannot get away with taking the right on education away from your state. You have not given up your right on education. Your state legislation did not vote to do so. So the waivers they have from 2011 are illegal. We still have the right, they just dont want us to know it. Take this, post it, get your kids out, walk out, shove their CC back down their illegal thoughts. You are the parent, take back education. Your leaders wont do it, they are too afraid, sold out, working for them, not part of us, they dont care, dont want to bother, and are in it for the wrong reason. You are in it for your kids. Act now. Shove those waivers up their dirty lying nostrils. Dont sign those opt outs. Opt out of what? something illegal? Something not right? then you go along with them and say they are right. Just dont take the test. Just dont have your kid learn that propaganda. Just dont follow the president. What will they do? Send you to jail for breaking an illegal law? I suppose you will be one of the people corralled in the free speech zone Wow what will our founding fathers say to that a free speech zone Speak out, stand out, walk out. Post, parade, speak out, gather, make a following, make a march, make a protest. Look towards the leaders of our past who won freedom. Look to their examples of what you should do. Should you send out silly letters to congressmen? Did they? No they marched, they protested, they walked out, they demonstrated. It is time to look towards those past leaders and heroes of freedom. Those that are now in the present are mostly afraid. I encourage you to stand. The time for others to do it is past. we are now alone. It is on our shoulders. Our childrens future lies with us, none else. Are you willing to sacrifice and be brave and bold for your children? For your country? For your God? Then be bold my fellow friends, be bold my brothers and sisters. Ours is the burden. ours is the call. We must fight or our nation falls. Under God. With liberty we stand ready to defend what they have taken. with honor we must not let the bully win. The bully takes what is not his to take. God gave you your rights, your children, your freedom. He expects you to hold on to them. In the name of freedom I call on you to help me against this time of tyranny. Our country is about to fall. My fellow friends stand strong. Our time has long been put aside but our time is now. Let us take back our freedom. The tyranny stops today. https://facebook/PeopleoftheUSAAgainstCommonCore/photos/pb.618078091624072.-2207520000.1415854058./620715418027006/?type=1&permPage=1
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:42:20 +0000

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