NOT ONE CAN EXPLAIN PURG A TORY but theyre all experts in - TopicsExpress


NOT ONE CAN EXPLAIN PURG A TORY but theyre all experts in ISIS --Im POSSIBLE dream... This new model of addiction was first introduced during a $5.2B OxyContin/Purdue Pharma class action suit. It prevailed in this suit, and has become the legal and scientific standard. This model argues that addiction is a manifestation of an Obsessive Compulsive disorder. Subsequent to its introduction, a political/legal controversy has resulted in Washington D.C. regarding what should be done to promote this new model within the healthcare system and what to do with the official history of its author--Dr. Norton youtube/watch?v=9oa8E1Wkpcg start; 4:50 Holy Spirit already resurrected time in the year two thousand about the time that a Virginia State Policeman almost ran Norton off the road. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder/Perfectionism/Insecurity The obsessive compulsive phenomenon is actually part of our self-survival instincts. To a large extent, we inherit this through our ancestors. It is incorporated within our genes through the Mu receptors in our nervous system. These attenuate our perceptions as to positive and negative. These receptors also assist in recording memories. In animals, we label this behavior instinctive, in humans; we consider it as a trait. They compel birds to fly, humans to crawl, etc. But we must limit our exploration of the association of addiction with the obsessive compulsive disorder and separate this from merely the obsessive compulsive phenomenon. For example, if a deer in the forest should lift its head in fear of a predator every time it hears a noise, it could starve to death. On the other hand, if it never looks up, it will be eaten. We desire those who work for us to be obsessive compulsive so that we can have confidence in their work. Yet, we don’t necessarily desire to be at a party with someone considered to be obsessive compulsive. There is a continuum of desirability regarding this trait. We can easily recognize this. So, for our purposes, let’s focus mainly on the obsessive compulsive disorder and not the obsessive compulsive phenomenon as a whole. We all know of individuals who must wash their hands a lot, or never do this, or always do that, or the “pack rat.” The pack rat perceives that if he throws away something that he may need at a later time, he will scorn himself for such a flawed decision. However, because he refuses to discard anything, he often can’t even find what he has saved when he does need it. This tends to produce additional frustration and insecurity. The pack rat is afraid that he will make the wrong, or less than perfect, decision regarding an item of variable worth. The inherent challenge with the person afflicted with an obsessive compulsive disorder is the illogical perception of perfectionism. The person afflicted with an obsessive compulsive disorder has the misperception that perfection actually exists and that failures are an affirmation of poor choices—a lack of intelligence, or worse yet, a lack of character. As a physician, who feels comfortable including spiritual analogies in my discussions with my patients, I would often confront my suspected obsessive compulsive disorder patients with the following illustration in order for them to confront their own illogical paradigms. I ask them to pretend to walk through the “pearly gates,” and enter heaven. For most, I have a little trouble at first because they often believe that they could never go there anyway so it’s best not to even consider this if it should exist. When they do express this concern, they have already tipped their hand as to which type of perfectionist they are—the type that just gives up because it is impossible to obtain anyway. (The other type of perfectionist knocks him or herself out telling me why it’s ok for him or her to consider swaggering through the pearly gates but why it’s not an option for me). But having assured them that this is all just a hypothetical illustration, we pass through those gates to the other side. Then, I suggest they visualize their perception of heaven just to obtain an idea of what environment or goal they perceive should be obtained in such an extra ordinary place. This also provides considerable insight into what they might consider now to be of lesser value in their lives. Now, I challenge them to consider the idea that no one is there to greet them upon their arrival, so that they might just consider touring for just a short period of time. Having traversed a graceful knoll we are now looking out over an area that appears to contain a bowling lane. As we come closer to the lane the patient notes that right down the middle of the lane, their name is written on the perfectly planed wood surface. Closer still, we observe a ball on a stand at the front end of the lane, again with their name printed on it. And finally, upon arriving at this location, they find that there is even a pair of shoes, again with their name inscribed on them. This is a clue! We’re here to bowl! Now I ask them to throw a few down the lane and then ask them to tell me the results of such. Invariably, the answer is: “strike.” After all, this is heaven isn’t it? So then, I ask them to repeat this; one game, two games, three games; …, for eternity! This could not be heaven! This would only be hell! A strike every time? Think about it! Throw the ball in the opposite direction. Would it still result in a strike? You would not only have no challenge, you would have no free will! This would be hell! People with an obsessive compulsive disorder inherit and establish many illogical paradigms from which they perceive their expectations and their realities. The pervasive illogical perspective or paradigm they all share is perfectionism. Challenges Imply the Possibility and even the Probability of Failure The possibility of failures is intrinsic to all challenges and we live to be challenged. All those who have been incarcerated can affirm that law. Most in prison will even share their perspective that anyone who goes through it and still does not believe in a purgatory has not yet connected the dots. Consider what it would be like to not be challenged in life. Day after day of no satisfaction of having succeeded in one’s goals, regardless of how simple, is a life in hell. Yet, from the perspective of some with an obsessive compulsive disorder, one should live to avoid challenges. This is an oxymoron. Life is challenges. Challenges are the essence of all things created and are to be enjoyed as such; even with the failures and disappointments that may accompany the challenges. --from the [Dr Norton’s] “New Model of Addiction” ((NOT PASSAGES MALIBU—that is a fed earl ‘’slush fund.’’)) This new model of addiction was first introduced during a $5.2B OxyContin/Purdue Pharma class action suit. It prevailed in this suit, and has become the legal and scientific standard. This model argues that addiction is a manifestation of an Obsessive Compulsive disorder. Subsequent to its introduction, a political/legal controversy has resulted in Washington D.C. regarding what should be done to promote this new model within the healthcare system and what to do with the official history of its author--Dr. Norton TRUE RESPONSE BELOW... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---795196629-815207608-1365173042=:91528 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii ... biblecodewisdom/code/sata-eyeam-estar-with-throne-not-satan biblecodewisdom/code/sata-eyeam-estar-pre-tend-satan-with-throne biblecodewisdom/code/sata-eyeam-use-satan-for-scape-goat biblecodewisdom/code/seer-rees-incar-nate-satan-for-heal-all biblecodewisdom/code/seer-rees-incar-nate-jesus-for-heal-all biblecodewisdom/code/seer-rees-incar-nate-moha-mad-for-heal-all biblecodewisdom/code/seer-rees-incar-nate-norton-for-heal-all biblecodewisdom/code/holy-spirit-let-only-norton-open-seal-for-heal-all ---795196629-815207608-1365173042=:91528 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii biblecodewisdom/code/sata-eyeam-estar-with-throne-not-satanbiblecodewisdom/code/sata-eyeam-estar-pre-tend-satan-with-thronebiblecodewisdom/code/sata-eyeam-use-satan-for-scape-goatbiblecodewisdom/code/seer-rees-incar-nate-satan-for-heal-all href=biblecodewisdom/code/seer-rees-incar-nate-jesus-for-heal-all>biblecodewisdom/code/seer-rees-incar-nate-jesus-for-heal-allbiblecodewisdom/code/seer-rees-incar-nate-moha-mad-for-heal-allbiblecodewisdom/code/seer-rees-incar-nate-norton-for-heal-allbiblecodewisdom/code/holy-spirit-let-only-norton-open-seal-for-heal-all ---795196629-815207608-1365173042=:91528-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---1480336445-769616623-1365268257=:30032 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Holy Infinite Spirit already resurrected time in the year two thousand about the time that a Virginia State Policeman almost ran Norton off the road. ---1480336445-769616623-1365268257=:30032 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Holy Infinite Spirit already resurrected time in the year two thousand about the time that a Virginia State Policeman almost ran Norton off the road. ---1480336445-769616623-1365268257=:30032-- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---1480336445-186472366-1365268446=:53136 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Norton is the arc covenant. ---1480336445-186472366-1365268446=:53136 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Norton is the arc covenant. ---1480336445-186472366-1365268446=:53136-- ------------------------------------------------------------ Perhaps you were anticipating someone more noble? What did you perceive the elect to appear as? What agenda did you perceive the elect to have, to rule? What different place or time would YOU have preferred to start restorations of the Universe? Youre angry you didnt get to put your 2 cents into the decision? It was news to me too. I had no idea until I was told less than three years ago. Now, I simply have to responsibly respond as I perceive are the challenges before us. Correct? You have some counsel; please, Im all ears. biblecodewisdom/code/find-seer-rees-two-two-nine-park-ridge-colo-hts biblecodewisdom/code/meet-seer-rees-kings-port-tenn biblecodewisdom/code/three-seven-six-six-four-zip-for-seer-rees biblecodewisdom/code/tele-the-seer-three-two-three-one-zero-eight-nine 423-323-1089 229 Park Ridge (Colonial Hts.) Kingsport, TN 37664 *Come, together, we can enter into T.H.I.S. ACCORDING TO THE TIME APPOINTED; FROM EVENING TO EVENING! (The only play on words is the use of this same term as the sabbath. As all are beginning to recognize, many words are reused, over and over again. Those with their own heinous thoughts, twist the meaning rather than expand the meaning.). ===== X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 002.001,ClRoZSBkaXJlY3RpdmUgdG8ga2lsbCBEci4gTm9ydG9uIGluIDIwMDAsIGNhbWUgZnJvbSBCYXJiYXJhIEJ1c2ggdG8gRGlhbmUgUm9kaGFtLiBOb3J0b24gd2FzIHNob3QsIHRocmVlIHRpbWVzIGFuZCBoaXMgYm9keSB3YXMgZWF0ZW4gYnkgMTAwMCBtZW1iZXJzIG9mIHRoZSBJbGx1bWluYXRpLCBpbmNsdWRpbmcgRWxpemFiZXRoIGFuZCBOYW5jeQEwAQEBAQ-- X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/ Message-ID: Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 11:49:11 -0700 (PDT) From: richard norton Reply-To: richard norton Subject: this is 2259/2014 (dis.ass.o.c.i.a.ted) To: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=1466435115-458138071-1399834151=:30606 --1466435115-458138071-1399834151=:30606 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii The directive to kill Dr. Norton in 2000, came from Barbara Bush to Diane Rodham. Norton was shot, three times and his body was eaten by 1000 members of the Illuminati, including Elizabeth and Nancy --1466435115-458138071-1399834151=:30606 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii The directive to kill Dr. Norton in 2000, came from Barbara Bush to Diane Rodham. Norton was shot, three times and his body was eaten by 1000 members of the Illuminati, including Elizabeth and Nancy --1466435115-458138071-1399834151=:30606--
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:48:33 +0000

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