NUMEROLOGY AND GEMATRIA PT 1 As I have stated before, numbers - TopicsExpress


NUMEROLOGY AND GEMATRIA PT 1 As I have stated before, numbers are the devine language, mathematics being the framework our matrix is built upon. Our ancestors (El Muurians, KaMaats/TaMUURians), over and innerstood that numbers were symbols, a living breathing organism, an expression of the living eternal force we refer to as God from abstract to manifestation on the physical plan. Our entire existence and that of the cosmos, is governed by mathematical ratios, numerical and geometrical patterns. Numbers gives us a physical correspondence and cosmic codex of information, communication with sub and super-conscience through the means of proportion, correspondence, relationship, arrangement, and rate. We taught at the Mystery Schools in Ta Mry that under/inner/overstanding mathematics was essential to comprehension of ones spirit. Kemet had a scientific and organic system of observing reality. Modern-day science is based on observing everything as dead (inanimate). Modern physical formulas in our science studies almost always exclude the vital phenomena throughout statistical analyses. For our ancestors, the whole universe is animated. Animism is the concept that all things in the universe are animated (energized) by life forces. This concurs, scientifically, with the kinetic theory, where each minute particle of any matter is in constant motion, i.e., energized with life forces. Numbers did not simply designate quantities but instead were considered to be concrete definitions of energetic formative principles of nature. The Egyptians called these energetic principles neteru(gods). Numbers were not just odd and even—they were male and female. Every part of the universe was/is a male or a female. There is no neutral (a thing). Unlike in English, where something is he, she, or it. These animated numbers in Kemet were referred to by Plutarch, in Moralia Vol V, when he described the Kemetic 3-4-5 triangle: The upright, therefore, may be likened to the male, the base to the female, and the hypotenuse to the child of both, and so Ausar [Osiris] may be regarded as the origin, Auset [Isis] as the recipient, and Heru [Horus] as perfected result. Three is the first perfect odd number: four is a square whose side is the even number two; but five is in some ways like to its father, and in some ways like to its mother, being made up of three and two. And panta [all] is a derivative of pente [five], and they speak of counting as “numbering by fives”. Five makes a square of itself. thesevenworlds.files.wordpress/2013/11/kmt-rope-triangle.jpg?w=600 Note that this is the metaphysical interpretation of the “holy trinity” being manifested. Also, note that greek mathematician Pythagoras gets accredited for “uncovering” this “theorm”, it is also fact that Pythagoras studied in Kemet for at least twenty years. Kemet manifested the living principles of mathematics through their architecture i.e. - temples, pyramids, etc. To think that anything mathematical is the sole invention of any greek scholars is simply foolish, when the evidence has been standing for over 25,000 years. Evidence of this exists on the Rhind Papyrus (1848-1804 BCE) Psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung believed that synchronistic transference occurred when the unconscience is is activated by numbers, the archetype of order, passing information and patterns from the subliminal to conscience mind. Jung considered the self as the most important of all archetypes, the centre point between unconscious and conscious, the balancing midpoint of the condensing energy of spirit into matter, which is essentially the process seen in all of creation. From the higher invisible realm, the vibratory wave form of the spirit slows as it undergoes condensing solidification into matter, as exemplified in the molecular densification of vapor into liquid into solids. Spiritual vibrations condensing into matter around a projected form. Self or man is a condensing energy, until solidification into matter is realized. In the referencing or reflecting of itself, spirit or source has points everywhere, with no outer boundary or perimeter. Self, then, is the consolidated one, finding itself as the many. The agreement of polarity and the seed of chaos is manifested in the material realm to keep the balance of spirits reflected intent and purpose to strive for perfection. This is quite obvious, since a perfected self or man, would be enveloped by its own perfection, resulting in death. Therefore, the synchronistic transference by the archetypal order of numbers is in the spiritualization of matter. Again, spirits descent into matter and its ascent out of matter.. All these creation stories, myths, and legends are metaphors and through the use of allegory only express the decent of the spirit into matter aka “The Fall of Man”, in Judeo/Christian mythology. Residual of the cosmic spirit and quest for ascension of self has been a concept of the concentric configuration of geometric shapes in the image of a deity, in forms such as circles or a cross or anthromorphized in human figures like Horus, Buddha, and Christ divination, divinization and religious literalism as representative expression of spirit. Religious allegories of the symbolic states of higher consciousness. When one realizes that numbers encompass a deeper esoteric purpose in the human conscience, then one can start to realize the compostion of reality itself, the mathematical precision of billions and billions of algorithms running concurrently to create the holographic experience of this matrix. Synchronicities are people, places or events that your soul attracts into your life to help you evolve to higher consciousness or to place emphasis on something going on in your life. The more consciously aware you become of how your soul manifests, the higher your frequency becomes and the faster you manifest positively. Each day your life encounters meaningful coincidences, synchronicities, that you have attracted, on other words created in the grid of your experiences in the physical. Souls create synchronicities, played out in the physical. It is why you are here. It is how our reality works. I will explore this topic deeper in a later post, but I will give some examples on the synchronicity of the numbers 1-9 expressed through sacred geometry. Pythagoras Table of Ten Numbers I. The Monad To Pythagoras the number one represented God or the Monad as Pythagoras referred to him. One has no counterpart and no other number exists without one. Nothing can be erected without one, and nothing can be subtracted from one. II. The Duad Pythagoras called two the duad because everything that is two parts is dual in nature. When there are two of something in this universe they are opposites or opposing each other; light and darkness, good and evil, love and hate, harmony and war, life and death. The duad also represented the dual nature of God, masculine and feminine. III. The Triad The number three represents equilibrium. The triad is sacred because it is the outcome of adding one, the monad, and two the duad. It is represented by the sacred triangle, the first shape to have a beginning, middle, and an end. The triad represents time as it is the past, present and future. Three also represents creation, for it symbolic of the monad, the Divine Father, and the duad, the Great Mother, and out of the two, the world was created. In this aspect, three represents the soul of man. IV. The Tetrad Four is called the Tetrad, it is a perfect number. Four lines make a perfect square constructed with four perfect right angles. Four also represents God because when every number before four is added to it, it equals 10, the most perfect number, 1+2+3+4=10. The Tetrad is symbolic for nature for there are four elements, earth, air, water, and fire, and four directions, north, south east, and west. If you add the first four odd numbers with the first four even numbers, you get 36, the number of the world: 1+3+5+7=16 and 2+4+6+8=20 16+20= 36 V. The Pentad Five is the Pentad and is symbolic of the spirit. When you add one, the monad, with four, nature, you get the Pentad. If four represents the four elements, then five is the fifth element, spirit or ether as the ancients called it. Ether is the basis of vitality and life. The Pentad is represented by the Pentagram, which is a tool to channel the five elements, earth, air, water, fire, and spirit. This is the reason many wiccans where the pentagram as a charm, to channel the elements. The Pentad also represents balance and equilibrium because it divides the perfect number 20 into two equal parts. VI. The Hexad Six is the Hexad, it represents the creation of the world, harmony, and balance. There were six days in the creation of the world in the Christian religion and the Sumerian religion. Six symbolizes the union of polarity and marriage; the symbol is two interlaced triangles, one pointing up, and the other pointing down, one masculine and one feminine. Six represents the Solar Wheel, the Star of David, and the Flower of Life. VII. The Heptad Seven is a number of religion and law. Seven is considered the source of man’s spirituality and is a prominent number in every religion. Seven is a combination of 3 (heaven or the soul of man) added to 4 (earth of the body) to make seven or the spiritual nature of man. If three represents the triangle and four the square, then seven is a combination of the triangle and square, the Masonic symbol of the compass and square. In history there are seven ages of man, wonders of the world, pillars of wisdom, days of the week, musical notes. In religion there are seven heavens and hells (Islam), seven steps of Buddha (Buddhism), seven archangels (Christianity, Judaism) just to name a few. VIII. The Ogdoad Eight is a perfect number because it can be divided in half until there is only one, or the monad. Eight stands for stability and solidarity. There are eight points in a perfect cube that hold the structure together. IX. The Ennead Nine is a peculiar number. It is wholesome in the fact that it is the first square of an odd number, 3 x 3, the square of the perfect triangle. It is the number of man because man is in the womb for nine months. It is associated with failure and shortcoming because it fell one short of the most perfect number 10, just as man fell short of perfection with sin. Nine is an inverted six to remind us that 6 (Creation, Harmony) became cross with the creation of man, and man is by nature unbalanced. The Greek Mysteries believed man had to pass through nine spheres of consciousness to be reborn. X. The Decad Ten is the most perfect number, the number of God. Ten contains all other numbers, all other things. Ten contains odd and even numbers; good and evil are ruled by ten. Ten is a perfect version of the monad, ten is infinite. These are the ten numbers of Pythagoras’ table of ten numbers. These numbers are found in everything, physical and spiritual. All shapes are made with these numbers, circle, triangle, square, and so on to infinity. The Greek Mystery schools even had a method of securing numerical power in all words. By assigning a number 1-9 to every letter in the alphabet, the Greeks and Hebrews were able to secure a numerical value their words. This methodology of esoterics is known as Gematria. This was most important in the names of their gods. In Hebrew the name Jehovah is equivalent to the number 26 (This is done using the Hebrew spelling, not the English spelling), the Gnostic god Abraxas would equal 365 (Using the Greek Alphabet). In the same manner, numbers were strategically hidden in ancient writings but the reader wouldn’t know the importance of the number unless he reduced the sum of the numbers to one of the original 10 numbers. For example, in the bible, the Mark of the Beast or 666 would be added together 6+6+6=18, then 18 would be reduced further, 1+8 = 9. This method of reduction is called decimal parity. The book of Revelations clearly states “Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13: 17-18. The same can be said of the 144,000 that are to be saved in the book of Revelation. 1+4+4+0+0+0= 9, the number of man. Was St. John simply saying man was to be saved? I will go in depth about different ciphers of number/letter combinations, exposing the secret code of the El-ites (worshippers of Saturn-El) (celebrites, politicians, sports figures etc.) And how these entities use these methods to communicate within the ranksand paint Pt.2 – Pythagorean Gematria, English Gematria, Hebrew Gematria, synchronicity of numbers, Rune (German Occult) Numerology, Masonic numerology
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 04:20:13 +0000

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