#NUTSHELL – APRIL 20th — CAN I HAVE A WITNESS? – John - TopicsExpress


#NUTSHELL – APRIL 20th — CAN I HAVE A WITNESS? – John 20:24-29: Happy Easter! Hopefully today you are connecting with family and friends at church and celebrating the Risen Christ. There are still doubts to the established eye-witness accounts that He rose from the dead. Thomas was skeptical by nature, although in reality none of the other Disciples believed that Jesus had come back to life until after they had seen Him with their own eyes. In fact, Thomas wasn’t even present when Jesus first appeared to the others (John 20:24). The incredulous Thomas refused to believe (or possibly couldn’t even bring himself to dare to believe) the astonishing news that the others reported to him until Jesus paid the group another visit after His resurrection and insisted that Thomas touch His very real wounds still there from the crucifixion. For all of the Disciples seeing was believing, and Jesus took the opportunity to convey to them that those who believe without having seen Him will be even more blessed by His presence (vs 29). Since Jesus ascended into heaven (Luke 24:51) God’s people have not had the opportunity to see their Savior face-to-face but have faithfully trusted in Jesus based on the truth of His written Word and the internal testimony of the Holy Spirit. What happened so long ago concerned not only Thomas, but also countless generations of believers who have accepted the Disciples’ eyewitness reports as truth and who have welcomed the Savior into their hearts and lives confidently proclaiming with Thomas, “My Lord and My God!” (John 20:28). Nearly 2000 years later, we are blessed with two advantages that the Disciples did not have. First, we have access to the New Testament which describes Jesus’ life, teachings, death, resurrection, ascension and promised return. Second, we have His indwelling Holy Spirit who guides us in that new life in Christ’s truth. Pause this Easter and thank God for these incomparable blessings.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 11:01:35 +0000

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