Nag-hihintay ng imam Mahdi ang mga Shia Pero di nila alam si - TopicsExpress


Nag-hihintay ng imam Mahdi ang mga Shia Pero di nila alam si dajjal pla ang hinihintay nilang leader.. ^_^ True Story of Shias, Jews and Dajjal Anas bin Malik reported that Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The Dajjal would be followed by seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan wearing Persian shawls. (Sahih Muslim - Book 041,Hadith Number 7034) So based on this Hadith, 70,000 Persian Jews from Isfahan will follow the Dajjal. Some may claim that those followers of Dajjal were not actualy the Persian. But the Hadith states they will be wearing Persian shawls, so they must be inhabitants Isfahan. Jews in Iran today consists of the largest population of Jews in any country in the world, just second to Jewish Entity Israel. the Persian Jews are numbered to be around 40,000, with 25,000 living in Tehran alone. Since there is no Sunni Muslim Masjid Mosques in Iran, there are thousands of Churches and Jewish congregation centres are located all over the country. So this may back up that when they reach to 70,000 through natural growth such as child birth, etc. we should expect the Dajjal to appear soon and then we should see them come out in his support. Prior to the Islamic Revolution in 1979, there were 80,000 Jews in Iran, concentrated in Tehran (60,000), Shiraz (8,000), Kermanshah (4,000), Isfahan (3,000), the cities of Khuzistan, as well as Kashan, Tabriz, and Hamedan. At the time of the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, there were approximately 140,000– 150,000 Jews living in Iran, the historical center of Persian Jewry stated. Over 85% have since migrated to either Israel or the United States. At the time of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, 80,000 still remained in Iran. From then on, Jewish emigration from Iran dramatically increased, as about 20,000 Jews left within several months after the Islamic Revolution. In mid- and late 1980s, the Jewish population of Iran was estimated at 20,000–30,000. The reports put the figure at around 35,000 in mid-1990s and at less than 40,000 nowadays, with around 25,000 residing in Tehran. However, Irans Jewish community still remains the largest among the Muslim countries. Ayatullah Shaitan Khomeini met with the Jewish community upon his return from exile in Paris shahs and issued a fatwa decreeing that the Jews were to be protected. While the people of Ahlul sunnah wajjama was exiled from the persian Shite entity. In the Islamic republic Jews have become more religious. Families that had been secular in the 1970s started keeping kosher and strictly observing rules against driving on Shabbat. Jews are now favourable to Persians than their co religionist Sunnis, who they consider as second class citizens. Now the people who proclaim Persian Shias as muslims should know that if you get caught by a Persian shia in Iran, you will be forced to follow the ideology of Shias. I personaly know some folks in my country who are living in Iran have changed their lifestyle and started observing the festivals of Shias such as Khadir e Khum and Matam. Here I will give you some comparisions between Shia Mahdi and the Mahdi of Ahlus Sunnah. These texts were taken from the most authentic shite sources such as Al-Kafi and Usool ul Kafi. - Comparision between Shia Mehdi and Sunni Mehdi. It was said in Ahlus Sunnah Hadiths that the people among the corrupted Aqeedah will follow the footstep of Dajjal. If you study the Aqeedah of Shias, you will get to know how they have gone far away from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The most reliable Shia book of Hadith is Al-Kafi. In it, we find narration after narration about Imamah and their Mahdi. So The fitnah of the dajjal would be that his followers, who think he is their messiah, no one would say I follow dajjal. I will post well known facts, you can make up your own mind. 1) The Mahdi of Shia is supernatural being ● Sunni Imam Mehdi is an ordinary Human Being that will unite the ummah and be its leader. ● Shia Mehdi: Supernatural being with powers alive for 1200 years.(“The Imams know when they will die, and they do not die except by their own choice.” (Al-Kafi) ● Dajjal : Supernatural being alive since the time of Prophet and will have powers. 2) Shia Mahdi is 1200 Years old ● Sunni Mehdi: Could appear at any age but will be mature not a kid. he will have normal life span. ● Shiah Mahdi: He is aprox 1200 years old, but will appear in the form of a young man! ● Dajjal: He was even alive during the time of prophet and is still alive, so he is very very old, but the hadith say he will appear in the form of a Young Man! Hadith tells us Ibn Sayyad (a jew from Madina who was “a” dajjal knows of his existence , hadith tells us he is alive chained up in a monastery in a island somewhere) 3) Shia Mahdi knows the errors of Quran and he brings a revised version of Quran himself ● Sunni Mahdi: Will revive the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah at a time when people would be disobeying them. ● Shiah Mahdi: Will bring a corrected Quran and claim that the present Quran has errors! (“No one compiled the Qur’an completely except the Imams, and they encompass all of its knowledge and even they know what Allah has not written down in Quran” (Al-Kafi, p. 228)) ● Dajjal: Will bring his own book and false cult, and claims this Quran has errors! 4) Shia Mahdi is a Saviour of Man kind, like Jesus Christ (Bible) ● Sunni Mahdi: Will rule the Muslims for 7 years and lead a Muslim army. ● Shiah Mahdi: Will be the Saviour of mankind and the messiah! ● Dajjal: will claim to be the Messiah! But he is a FALSE MESSIAH (al-maseeh ad-Dajjal) 5) Shia Mahdi will have Supernatural Powers and will have the power to resurrect ● Sunni Mehdi: Normal Human being with no supernatural powers. ● Shiah Mahdi: Shia Mehdi will have power to resurrect a) “By listening to the voice of a person, the Imams can tell if the person was destined to go to hell or to heaven; they would thus answer his questions accordingly.” (Usool Al-Kafi.) b)“The Imams possess all the knowledge granted to the angels, Prophets and Messengers.” (Al- Kulaini, Al-Kafi) c) Mullah Baqir Majlisi writes in Haqqul Yaqeen: “When Imam Mahdi arrives, Aisha will be resurrected so that she may be given a prescribed punishment and that Fatima be vindicated.” (Haqqul Yaqeen: 347) see how they curse Ummu Aisha (RA), you still say they are Muslims? d) Here we go with another Shia text. The shia also pray (astaghfirullah) that they ressurect Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA) and punish them. Look at their believes about sahaba, He, the Mahdi, will first dig the grave of Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA),then hang them on a stake He will remove the body of Ayesha (RA) and implement the same punished for Zina. He will then kill the Sunni Scholars. Punish the Muslim Ummah. First kill Ahle - Sunnah, then Ulema, then Kuffar , thats what even the dajjal would do. (Al Kafi, Al Kulaini and Usool ul Kafi) ● Dajjal: will have power to resurrect 6) Shia Mahdi is 1200 old but will appear as a young man ● Islamic Mehdi is not 1200 yrs old etc; he will have normal life span. ● Shia Mehdi: He is aprox 1200 years old most shias say he is alive in a cave near samara and some (not all) speculate he can be on an island somewhere. The ayotullahs of Iran say they are in touch with him and take guidance from him from time to time. ● Dajjal : Hadiths narrate Dajjal was already alive in the time of Rasool Allah so aprox 1400 yrs old and hadith narrates Ibn Sayyad (a jew from Madina who was “a” dajjal knows of his existence , hadith also tells us he is alive chained up in a monastery in a island somewhere). 7) Shia Mahdi has the power to control the universe ● Sunni Mehdi is a normal humanbeing. ● Shia mehdi runs the world and controls the world, if he won’t look after it, it won’t exist. even Ahmedinejad says it: watchyoutube/watch?v=txxZv9uA6YQ ● Dajjal: will have power over rain, food, crops , riches of land etc etc 8) Shia Mahdis Followers are Pure Blooded Persians ● Sunni Mahdi: His followers are mostly Arabs from Syal (hijaz), according to both Shiah and Sunni sources! ● Shiah Mahdi: His followers are mostly or all Persians, according to Shiah books and al Kafi. ● Dajjal: His followers are the people of Isfahan and Kirman (three Iranian cities) and Kufah (most Kufans are shiahs). 9) Shia Mahdi is next to God and Infallible ● Sunni Mahdi: He is below the ranks of prophets. ● Shiah Mahdi: he is equal to or (according to most Shiahs) higher than all prophets except Muhammad pbuh. (“All the Imams are infallible just like the God. The Shia derive their religion from their immaculate Imams.” (Al-Kafi) ● Dajjal: Will claim to be a Prophet, and a Messiah, and then will claim to be God! 10) Shia Mahdi will have the power to read ones mind ● Sunni Mahdi: He and his followers will do Jihad, (ordinary Jihad). ● Shiah Mahdi: He will decide who to kill as he is aware of all secrets and knows who deserved to be killed. (“By listening to the voice of a person, the Imams can tell if the person was destined to go to hell or to heaven; they would thus answer his questions accordingly.” (Usool Al-Kafi) ● Dajjal: Will order his followers not to kill anyone. He sees himself as the only one fit to kill. 11) Jews will take the position genarals In Shia Mahdis Army ● Sunni Mahdi: He will have an army of many many muslims , definitely no jews. ● Shiah Mahdi: The Jews will be among the followers of Imam Mehdi of shias ● Dajjal: 70,000 jews from Isbahan (isfahan in Iran) would follow him.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 11:06:26 +0000

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