Naomi Klein On Why The Climate Change Deniers Are Right ::posted - TopicsExpress


Naomi Klein On Why The Climate Change Deniers Are Right ::posted Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:50:15 +0000:: The first chapter in Naomi Kleins new book is The Right is Right about climate change. Not about the science -- which theyre completely wrong about-- but the political implications such radical interventions in the economy would have, transforming how we live. AMY GOODMAN: That was Marc Morano of Climate Depot. Naomi Klein, in your book, This Changes Everything, you talk about him. In fact, you talk about a number of these groups. You open with them in a chapter called The Right is Right. NAOMI KLEIN: OK, well, let’s be clear: They are not right about the science. They’re wrong about the science. But I think what the right understands, and it’s important to understand, that the climate change denier movement in the United States is entirely a product of the right-wing think tank infrastructure, the groups like Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute, American Enterprise Institute. The Heartland Institute, which people mostly only know in terms of the fact that it hosts these annual conferences of climate change skeptics or deniers, it’s important to know that the Heartland Institute is first and foremost a free market think tank. It’s not a scientific organization. It is—just like the other ones I listed, it exists to push the ideology, the familiar ideology, of deregulation, privatization, cuts to government spending, and sort of triumphant free market, you know, backed with enormous corporate funding, because that’s a very, very profitable ideology. read more [Forwarded by the MyLeftBlogosphere news engine. Link to original post below:]
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 19:04:45 +0000

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