Nasarawa 2015: I Feel Change in the Air Every time Ive been - TopicsExpress


Nasarawa 2015: I Feel Change in the Air Every time Ive been asked over the past months who would I support and possibly vote for come 2015, my answer has always been the same. I will support the candidate who inspires me, who inspires all of us, who can lift our vision and summon hopes and renew our belief that our state best days are still to come. Ive found that candidate. And it looks to me like you have too. But first let me say a big THANK YOU to those who are also aspiring to challenge him at the poll. Let there be no doubt: we are all committed to seeing a servant of the majority as Governor come 2015. But I believe there is one candidate who has the extraordinary gifts of leadership and character, matched to the extraordinary demands of this moment in history. He understands what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called the fierce urgency of now.” He will be a Governor who refuses to be trapped in the pattern of the past. He is a leader who sees the world clearly without being cynical. He is a fighter who cares passionately about the causes he believes in without demonizing those who hold different view. He is tough-minded, but he also has an uncommon capacity to appeal to the better angels of our nature. I am proud to stand here today and offer my help, my voice, my energy and commitment to make Labaran John Maku the next Governor of Nasarawa come 2015. Thank You. #EdwardMKennedy
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 09:46:27 +0000

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