Natalino César (born 1974) Brazilian artist and - TopicsExpress


Natalino César (born 1974) Brazilian artist and artisan Born in Silvânia, a small historic town in Goiás, Brazil, Natalino César is from a humble family with no ties, whatsoever, to any form of art. Since his childhood, Natalino has been very fond on arts; for instance, when he was a child, Natalino used to mold in clay and sculpt in Buriti (a type of palm tree commonly found in his region) in order to make his own, as well as, his friends toys. Soon he found out that life was not an imense playground. When Natalino was only 9 years-old, he started to work in order to help his family making a living. He worked as a shoeshiner, a construction worker aprentice, as well as, at a coal furnace site in very poor conditions. As a teenager, he moved to Brasilia, Brazils capital, in search of opportunities to hone his talent. While living in Brasília, Natalino came across with a different form of art from the one he was seeking: the art of silk screen printing. Natalino learned and mastered it to such an extent that he was able to work with this technique professionallly. He returned to his hometown in 1994 and became an entrepreneur in that kind of business for twenty years, producing visual ads, t-shirts, stickers, gifts and so on. During those years, Natalino put aside his dreams of becoming an artist, For a couple of years Natalino took art as a mere hobby. Despite that, little by little, he was able to develop his own technique of painting and sculpting. One day, tired of his routine as a businessman, the artist within him arouse and took control of his entire life. One of Natalinos main traits is his perseverance and since he decided to make a living out of art, he has been pursuing it on a daily basis. Using his talent, Natalino has been fighting for this dream, first sculpting on chalk, then on clay, and finally on wood. Art for Natalino has been more than a profession. In his own words, it is essentially a reason for living. An art critic once said that Natalino does not produce simple decorative pieces. He gives shapes to his feelings by engraving them on his works with his own personality. Nowadays, Natalino has his works in several Art Galleries within many Brazilian states, such as: Goiás, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Distrito Federal. Natalinos work has already crossed Brazils borders. Nowadays, his works can be seen in Paris, France; Budapest, Hungary; The Hague and Amsterdan, in the Netherland; and New York in the United States.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 03:49:24 +0000

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