Native Peoples Prayer for the day; Great Spirit, Almighty Healer - TopicsExpress


Native Peoples Prayer for the day; Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, with humbled hearts we come together to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the emergence of the season of birth and rejuvenation. We thank you for the budding of the trees as they begin to bloom and bring forth its leaves. We thank you for the clouds that bring the rain and mists to areas of great need. We thank you for the wildflowers that are going through their germination process and will begin to bloom in glorious colors along the grasslands and meadows. We thank you for the aeration of the soil by the crawlers and burrowing four-leggeds. We thank you for the birth of the two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers. We thank you for the waters cascading down from the snow-capped mountains. We ask for a season of healing to coincide with that of rejuvenation. May the new season bring forth miraculous healing, both spiritually and physically. We ask for comfort and guidance be granted to those that are despondent and low in spirit. We ask for great change throughout Mother Earth during the year of the blood moons. For those that have lost loved ones, we ask for comfort and peace be given during their grieving process. May they understand that their loved ones will still be with them. We ask for your hands to guide those of surgeons as they operate upon those that are facing surgery. We ask for strength and rapid healing be given to the patients. We ask for an end to the corruption, greed and lust of power found within the houses of all governments. We ask for veils of secrecy to be lifted and all things become transparent. For those that have heard you calling, we ask for strength, courage, guidance and protection be afforded them as they begin their new journey. We ask for an end to the destruction to your creation begin during this year of change, and that mercy, protection and strength be given to those that stand against the onslaught of greed. We ask for an era of peace and equality; an era without war and hostilities against the innocent; where no one person is any more powerful than the next. We ask for guidance for new leaders that are forming, to lead your people to a new beginning. We ask for freedom for all innocents that have been imprisoned over crimes they did not commit. We ask for judgement to be brought against those that knowingly incarcerated them in order to hide their transgressions. We thank you for our Elders that have given us much wisdom and life lessons during our journey. We thank you for our children that will inherit the life being prepared for them by the seventh generation. May respect for things once again grow in the hearts of all living things. We thank you for Father Sky as he continues to protect us from the harmful radiation of space. We thank you for Mother Earth as she gives us all we need to survive. We thank you for Grandfather Sun as he rises in the eastern sky to give us warmth and light. We thank you for Grandmother Moon as she watches over us during our slumber.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 13:40:28 +0000

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