Nearly the end of the bikini body challenge now ladies... Well - TopicsExpress



Nearly the end of the bikini body challenge now ladies... Well done to all of you who have followed it. Here is week 5; one week left to go! Equipment needed : 3/4 kg dumbbells , object to laterally jump over Circuit 1: 1. Burpee with alternating dumbbell row : You will perform the burpee with two dumbbells 3/4 kg or more depending on your fitness and strength level. Perform the burpee, but before you come up you will add a dumbbell row on each side, keeping the core strong. 2. Weighted walking lunges : Keeping hold of your dumbbells perform walking lunges for the duration of 45 secs. 3. Press-ups with alternating one hand up : Perform a normal press-up but as you come up, lift one hand and alternate. Circuit 2: 1. Squat Thrusts : In press-up position jump the feet inwards, bending the knees. 2. Sumo Squats : Perform a wide stance squat, feet slightly turned out, hands behind the ears; lifting one knee up towards the elbow, alternating legs. 3. Plank on hands with opposite arm and leg raises : In a plank position on the hands raise an extended leg and opposite arm; alternate. Circuit 3: 1. Lateral Jumps : Jump laterally over a raised object. It is not about speed, but rather about technique. 2. Plyo Dips : In a dip position on the floor extend one leg at a time in a plyometric style. 3. Romanian Deadlift : Grab hold of one dumbbell in one hand. Raise one leg to the back whilst dropping the dumbbell (which is held in the same hand as the leg that gets raised) to the floor. Strong core and balance throughout.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 18:21:47 +0000

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