Nepal Tours »Kathmandu, Nagarkot, Pokhara, Palpa, Lumbini, - TopicsExpress


Nepal Tours »Kathmandu, Nagarkot, Pokhara, Palpa, Lumbini, Chitwan 9 Nights 10 Days ITINERARY Day 1 Arrive Kathmandu Pick up from airport and transfer to Hotel. It will be between 7-10 km only and takes 15-20 minutes. Have welcome drinks and check in. If time permits one can visit near by markets self. The Kathmandu Valley contains three royal cities - Kathmandu; Patan and Bhaktapur. Kirtipur and Thimi are two other smaller municipalities. There are seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Valley. The Valley was once a lake. According to legend, a Buddhist saint named Manjushree drained out the waters by slashing a passage through the hills and peopled it with his followers. Over the millenniums, a refined urban civilization emerged, built on a unique synthesis of Hinduism and Buddhism. Dynasties came and went. Commerce and crafts flourished. Its religious Newar inhabitants built fabulous cities and artistic temples that are unmatched in the Himalayan region. Day 2 Kathmandu Sightseeing Tours ( 09:30 – 17:00) (B) Sightseeing of Pashupatinath Temple- the most sacred of the Hindu temples in Nepal dedicaed to lord Shiva, first established in 5th century. The holiest Hindu pilgrimage place in Nepal pashupati has received the attention of worshippers for at least fifteen hundred years. Dedicated to shiva the lord of Destruction the temple is situated on the banks of the Bagmati river. A circuit of the Pashupati area takes visitors past a sixth century statue of the Buddha an eighth century statue of Brahma the Creator freshly painted skeletal images guarding temple gates, and other magnificent temples dedicates to various deities in the complex. Boudha Nath Temple- the worlds largest stupa; a sight of great reneration to the Buddhist., Boudhanath is a colossal stupa north east of Pashupatinath and lies a further two 2 kilometers by road. The origin of this stupa is rather obscure. A legend says that a woman named Kangma was banished from heaven by Indra for stealing flowers and was reborn on earth as a swineherd’s daughter. Rearing and selling geese, Kangma accumulated a considerable amount of wealth. One day, she went to request the king for a plot of land to build a temple dedicated to the Buddha Amitabha. She asked that she be given land the size which a buffalo’s hide would cover. The king agreed to what he thought was a harmless request, but Kangma very shrewdly cut the hide making it into one very long strip of leather. Stretching it out to form a very large circle, she asked for and was given this huge plot where Boudhanath stands today. Swayambhunath temple - the oldest Buddhist shrine. Looking east from here, one can see the entire Kathmandu valley spread out below. and lunch break in Kathmandu durbar square. Swayambhunath is a best place to observe religious harmony between Nepalese Buddhists and Hindus. The stupa is one of the most ancient in this part of the world and its worshippers come from diverse ethical backgrounds. Situated on the top of a hill. It provides an excellent view of the Katmandu Valley. Huge prayer wheels and fine Buddhist paintings are displayed in the monasteries as well as the largest Buddha statue in the country. Special butter lamps can be ilt after monetary gifts are offered to the images. Kathmandu Durbar Square– the temple of the Living Goddess and the old Royal Palace. Finally, visit Kasthamandup – a temple built from a single tree from which the Kathmandu derives its name.And then transfer to Hotel. The Square teems with life as vendor’s children tourists and other crowed around the temple of the Living Goddess Kumari. Goddess Taleju and the Kastamandap Resthouse. Many pay homage to the monuments of Kal Bhairab Lord Hanuman and to the images of Shiva and Parbati. The buildings here are the greatest achievement of the Malla dynasty and they resulted from the great rivalry between the three palaces of kathmandu Patan and Bhakatpur. Most wood carvings statues and architecture in this area are exceptionally fine. Kathmandu became the seat of Valley’s royalty when King Jayasthiti Malla unified the valley in the 14th century (although it was divided later by his descendants). The Malla kings’ royal palace was located at Hanuman Dhoka, and it is still retained as the ceremonial palace of the present Shah dynasty. Although the present King Birendra does not reside there, important traditional royal ceremonies including the crowning of the king are still conducted at Hanuman Dhoka. Hanuman Dhoka (literally, Hanuman Gate) takes its name from the monkey god Hanuman, whose idol lies at the entrance of the palace. Kneeling in his usual posture on a pedestal, Hanuman is a hero from the Hindu epic Ramayana, who endows military success to his devotees - the reason why he has been placed there. Day 3 Kathmandu-Pokhara ( 08:00 to 14:00)(B) After breakfast, drive to Pokhara -one of the most picturesque valley in Nepal, 200 km west from Kathmandu, 6 hour drive , under the shadow of the Annapurna Himalayan range. A rare combination of snow-clad mountains, crystal clear lakes, streams, villages inhabited by friendly ethnic tribes. Sightseeing of Phewa Lake, Mahendra cave, Davi’s fall and more. Boating in the late afternoon Over night at Hotel in Pokhara. Pokhara is famous for clean water lakes, Seti Rivers with subline natural beauty and Himalayan views. It is the gateway to Nepal’s West. Many of Nepals most diverse and interesting treks and rafting experiences are on the doorstep of pokhara. From here Annapurna Mustang, Manaslu, Chitwan, Dolpa, Jumla, Humla the holy mountains of Mt Kailash, lumbini, Tansen, and Gorkha are all within easy reach. Pokhara is the placed to relax in Nepal. The famous places of pokhara are phewa Tal, Rupa Tal, Begnas tal, Patale Chhango, Davids falls, Mahendra Cave, Seti River, Ram ghat, Bindhyabasini Temple, Buddhist Monastery Mahendra Pul The ACAP Natural History Museum, Lumle, chandrakhot, Kaskikhot, Dampus, Sarankot, Tulakot, Kahun Danda and world peace Pagada. But because of time you ar eunable to see all for which you need 3 days at least. Most of the tourist visit pokhara every year. It is busy tourist area. Oct – March is a best time to visit here. Mountain views. Clearly the most stunning of Pokharas sights is the spectacular panorama of the Annapurna range which forms its backdrop. The Annapurna massif includes Annapurna I to IV and Annapur-na South. Although the highest among them is Annapurna I (8,091 m), it is Machhapuchhre (6,977 m) which dominates all others in this area. Phewa Lake, the second largest lake in the Kingdom roughly measuring 1.5 by 4 km, is the center of all attractions in Pokhara. It is the largest and most enchanting of the three lakes that add to the resplendence of the resort town. The eastern shore, popularly known as Lakeside or Baidam, is the favorite home base for travellers and is where most of the hotels, restaurants and handicraft shops are located. Barahi Temple. Built on an island in Phewa Lake, this two-storied pagoda is dedicated to the boar manifestation of Ajima, the protectress deity representing the female force. Devotees can be seen, especially on Saturdays, carrying animals across the lake to be sacrificed to the deity. Seti Gandaki. Flowing right through the city, the boisterous river runs completely underground at places. Amazingly, at certain points the river appears hardly two meters wide. But its depth is quite beyond imagination - over 20 meters! Mahendra Pul, a small bridge near the old Mission Hospital, provides a perfect view of the rivers dreadful rush and the deep gorge made by its powerful flow. Devis Fall. Locally known as Patale Chhango, Devis Fall (also known as Devils, Devins or Davids) is an awesome waterfall lying about 2 km south-west of Pokhara airport on the highway to Tansen. Legend has it that a trekker (Devin, David...) was washed away by the Pardi Khola and disappeared down into an underground passage beneath the fall. Gupteswar Gupha is a sacred cave located near Devis Fall. The cave is almost 3 km long. It has some big hall-size rooms and some passages. This cave holds special value for Hindus since a phallic symbol of Lord Shiva is preserved here in the condition it was discovered and taking pictures inside the cave is prohibited. Mahendra Gupha(Cave). Another of natures wonders in Pokhara is the Mahendra Gupha. This large limestone cave is locally known as the House of Bats, an apt name for it. it is best to bring your own torch to see the stalactites and stalagmites, as well as the local winged residents. The Old Bazaar. Pokharas traditional bazaar is colorful and so are its ethnically diverse traders. In its temples and monuments can be seen ties to the Newar architecture of the Kathmandu Valley. Located about 4 km from Lakeside, the markets original charm is alive and well. Bindhyabasini Temple is the center of religious activity in the old bazaar. It is dedicated to Goddess Bhagawati, yet another manifestation of Shakti. The park-like grounds offer a fine picnic area, and on Saturdays and Tuesdays when devotees flock there to offer sacrifices, take on a festive local flavor. The Tibetan refugee settlement, Tashi Palkhiel, also known locally as Hemja Camp, is 7 km north of Pokhara on the west bank of the Seti River. Of interest here are the monastery, handicraft center and herbal medicine clinic. Boating. Pokharas diverse natural wonders make it an excellent setting for adventure sports. Sailing or paddle boating on Phewa Lakes emerald expanse is something no visitor to Pokhara would like to miss. Boats and boatmen can be hired or you can row yourself. International Mountain Museum, located at Rato Pairo, boasts historical documents, records and chronicles on mountaineering. Spread over a total floor area of 4,242 sq. m on a total land area of 12.5 acres, the museum houses three main exhibition halls: Hall of the Great Himalaya, Hall of Fame and the Hall of World Mountains. It also houses a library, a prayer room called Lakhang and an audio-visural room. Other attractions include models of glorious peaks, mannequins of famous mountaineers and the culture and lifestyle of the mountain people. A dream project of Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA), it is a place where you witness a confluence of “man, mountain and mountaineering”. Open daily, except Saturdays, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Day 4 Pokhara-Tansen(Palpa) ( 9 Am to 1 Pm) (B) Early morning visit Mountain view point SARANGKOT, later back to hotel. Mountain view point Sarangkot (1,592 m), a former Kaski fort lying atop a hill 5 km west of the old bazaar; Kahundanda (1,520 m), to the north-east of Pokhara, which has a ruined fort on the summit as well as a view tower. Sarangkot offer the superb panoramic view of the Himalayas. Its a hike to places within the rim of the Pokhara valley. After breakfast, drive to Tansen, 130 km , 3-4 hour drive in Siddhartha Highway, excellent scenery along the highway, check in & lunch, short briefing and start sight seeing tour of important places, view sunset over Himalaya and overnight at Hotel. Tansen Bazar the headquarters of palpa district , a fascinating center form historical, cultural, religious, geographical natural and tourists view points, is situated at an altitude of 1,371 meters above the sea level on the lap of picturesque Shreenagar hill. Historically, it has enjoyed a strategic position on the trade and pilgrim rout between the hill and the plains. Unique geographical location , climate, Zigzag and cobbled streets, attractive Newari buildings pagoda style temple shrines and stupas, attractive Durbar hate typical Mahar village fascinating panoramic scenes etc. abundant in Tansen Bazar Bhagawati Temple located at Bhagawati Tole,Tansen-8 neat the Tansen Durbar, it was Built by Uhjir Singh Thapa pagoda style in 1814 A.D. to commemorate the Nepali victory over colonial British-India forces. It is the pilgrimage of Palpalis, it has undergone many physical adjustments. Huge stone statues of lions, eight armed statue of Bhagawati, artistic stony, Shivalya, open premise etc. are the attractions of this temple. Amarnarayan Temple a classic three tiered pagoda style temple was built by Amar Thapa, the son of Birbhadra Thapa , the then prime minister of king Prithvipal Sen in 1807 A.D. The temple of Lord Mahadev , pond, parks, rest houses, fine wood carvings, erotic figures on the roof struts, beautifully carved doors, natural water spring etc.are the attraction of this temple. Tansen Durbar, the palace of provincial governor built in the heavy-handed Rana style in 1927 A.D. is in the heart of Tansen Bazar. The imposing entrance gate on the Eastern side of the compound is believed to be the biggest and tallest gate in Asia. Shree Nagar Hill a picturesque and touristic resort Shree Nagar Hill abounds in fascinating scenes, snow capped mountain, panoramic view of the Tansen town evergreen forest, impressive meadown on the hill top bowl shaped Madi valley and splendid charming scenes of sun set can be viewed from here. Day 5 Tansen (Palpa)-Lumbini ( 8 Am to 11 Pm) (B) View Sunrise and drive to Lumbini, 76 km , check in , briefing, and start 4-5 hour sightseeing tours of Lumbini & surroundings , overnight at Hotel. Lumbini - the birth place of Lord Buddha and the founder of Buddhism, known as Buddha or the enlightened one. This is confirmed by the existence of an inscribed pillar erected 318 years after the event by the great Buddhist emperor Ashoka, who visited Lumbini in 245 BC and left a number of his famous inscribed pillars in the region. Sacred Garden : Which is spread over 8 possesses all the treasures of the historic area. It has been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. This is the place where Lord Buddha was born. The site is marked by Ashoka Stone Pillar which has an engraved inscription identifying the spot as the birth place of LORD BUDDHA. On one side of the pillar is the MAYADEVI TEMPLE the temple of the mother of Lord Buddha. Recent excavations have turned up a stone bearing Foot Prints of Lord Buddha. The Puskerni Pond: Located south of the Ashokan Pillar is the pond where Queen Mayadevi the mother of Lord Buddha is believed to have taken a bath before giving birth to LORD BUDDHA. Many countries have built TEMPLES, MONASTERIES OR STUPA in Sacred Garden in the international Monastery Zone and there has been global initiative to promote the place Lumbini. Chinese Monastery: is a complex of Pagodas, & prayer rooms built by Buddhist Association of CHINA. Korean Monastery: Contains beautiful images of Lord Buddha. Royal Thai Monastery, The Royal Thai Monastery is located in the vicinity of the birthplace of the Buddha at the Lumbini Sacred Garden, Lumbini, Nepal. The construction has been funded by the Royal Thai Government and the devoted Thai Buddhists followers. The project was initiated to honour the celebration of commemorating the 50th Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s accession to the Throne. Ashoka Pillar : The pillar carrying an inscription identifying the holy site as the birthplace, is situated nearby the Sacred Garden. To one side of Ashoka pillar is the Mayadevi Temple. Recent excavations have turned up a stone bearing a foot imprint, indicating the exact place of birth. Myanmar Monastery: The Myanmar Temple (Lokamani Cula Pagoda) is a gleaming gold and white structure gracefully soaring into the sky in the style of the Shwe-dagon Pagoda in Yangon. There is a monastery complex behind the temple. Nearby, the International Gautami Nuns Temple is a fine replica of the Swayambhu stupa in Kathm-andu. There is a pond here known as Paleswan Pukhu. Peace Stupa: The Japan Peace Stupa is situated at the northern end of Lumbini. Built by the Nippon Jon Myohoji of Japan, the 41-m tall edifice is visible from a distance. Four different Buddha statues are set into the stupas dome to face the four cardinal directions. Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand and Mongolia are also building temples in Lumbini. Day 6 Lumbini - Chitawan ( 7 Am to 10 Am) (BLD) Drive to Chitawan National Park for exclusive jungle safari. Upon arrival meet by the naturalist. The manager will brief about the activities. In the late afternoon, you will be taken for a jungle safari on elephant back so that you can penetrate deep into the jungle for viewing and photographing wildlife or a jungle walk is organized to experience the abundant bird life and the flora & founa for the park. If you are lucky, you may see the exclusive Royal Bengal tiger both on nature walk as well as on elephant safari. A hearty meal of continental or Nepalese cuisine will be served in the evening around the campfire. Tharu cultural show programs or slide presentation in the evening. Overnight at resort. Day 7 In Chitawan(BLD) In Chitawan for rest of the programs. They are Canoeing ( Crocodile hunt), Visit to Elephant breeding center, Jungle walk, Fishing in river or bird watching, Cultural programs or slide presentation.).Overnight in Hotel in Chitwan. Day 8 Chitawan – Kathmandu – Nagarkot ( 150 + 32 km ) (B) After breakfast, drive to Kathmandu . Continue drive to Nagarkot (32 Kms- 1 hour). Over Night Hotel in Nagarkot. En route, youll visit Bhaktapur city- also known as the city of devotees. Which is one of the nearest and most famous mountain view point from Kathmandu . Enjoy the sunset over the Himalayas. Bhaktapur (Bhadgaon) situated at an altitude of 1,401 m, covers an area of four square miles. Bhaktapur or the City of Devotees still retains the medieval charm and visitors to this ancient town are treated with myriad wonders of cultural and artistic achievements. The past glory of the Malla rulers continue to be reflected at the Durbar Square. Pottery and weaving are its traditional industries. The city lies about 14 km east of Kathmandu. Bhaktapur Durbar Square: The main palace square of the city containing many temples and other architectural showpieces, including the golden gate, is described as the finest piece of art in the kingdom. Dattatraya Temple: A temple dedicated to Lord Shiva is built in 1427 A.D. Near by is a monastery with exquisitely carved peacock windows. Nagarkot- Nagarkot is situated 32 krns east of Kathmandu at an altitude of 2175 m above sea level. Nagarkot is a popular tourist spot of Nepal. The panorama of the major peaks of eastern Nepal Himalayas including Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest-if weather permits), can be seen from here). The Himalayan peaks Like Manaslu (8463 in). Ganesh Hinial (7111 in), Langtang(7246 in), Choba Bhanre(60l6 in), Gaurishanker (7134 m) and number (6957 in), are also clearly seen from Nagarkot). Overnight at Hotel in Nagarkot. Day 9 Nagarkot-Kathmandu (B) Morning enjoy sunrise and Mountain View. After breakfast drive to Kathmandu visiting Patan city en-route. Patan- The ancient city of Patan, lying 5 Kms southeast of Kathmandu, is known as the city of fine arts. The city is full of Hindu temples and Buddhist monuments. The diversity of the medieval culture that allowed both Hinduism and Buddhism to flourish has left a rich legacy of impressive sightseeing in this city for todays visitors. Patan Durbar Square: The old palace of the medieval rulers of Patan, believed to have been founded by King Veer Deva in 299 A.D. The square contains innumerable buildings embellished with elaborately carved windows and balconies in the Newar tradition. Patan Museum: This museum inside the Durbar Square specializes in bronze statues and religious objects. It is considered as one of the best museums in Asia. Krishna Mandir: A seventeenth century temple, which is entirely built by stones, is most sacred and is based on shikhar shaili literally meaning in the shape of a mountain. Hiranya Varna Mahavihar: A three storied golden pagoda of Lokeshwar (Lord Buddha) built in the 12th century. Mahaboudha - A temple of one thousand Buddhas made of terracotta bricks. Tibetan handicraft center: Just outside of Patan City where one can see Tibetan refugees craftsmanship in carpet and sweater weaving and other handicraft products of artistic interest. Evening dinner followed by Nepali cultural program. O/N at Hotel. Day 10 Departure (B) Breakfast, transfer to airport for departure Contact Us for Further Information: Honest Tours & Travels pvt ltd. Telephone no: 00977 -061523808 Mobile No:- 00977-9851140110,9806668140,9846117867 honesttoursntravels Email: [email protected] Twitter: @HonestTreks Visit: honesttoursntravels Facebook page: https://facebook/…/Honest-tours-and…/264793740359468 Facebook page: https://facebook/honesttreks
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 10:49:01 +0000

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