New Year New Goals Ten Steps to Success In Anything By Allen - TopicsExpress


New Year New Goals Ten Steps to Success In Anything By Allen Loomis It does not matter how big your goal or dream is, this ten step guide will enable you to achieve success in anything. Have you ever wondered if there was something more you should be doing with your life? I often wondered that very same question My childhood/life was encompassed by a series of failures. What’s the difference that makes the difference between (anyone striving for success) and someone successful? I came to the conclusion that continuous action in the right direction was the solution. You have to be focused on what you want, figure out a plan towards that goal, with the main focus point to learn as much as you can along the way. Take continuous action with this ambition, and watch your life unfold the way it should. Here is my plan, that I use for every goal I make. I give it to you in hope that you will use it to unlock your full potential. Success Demands Action. Using this plan for your dreams and goals is the first step. Go through the ten steps below to accomplish any goal. Make yourself a Success binder with tabs for each step. Will you take action? 1. Make the Choice Get clear on what you want. True success does not happen by accident. You have to choose to be successful. What’s your choice? Will you take the action necessary to reach your goal, at all costs? If your answer is yes please use this affirmation and read it out loud each morning before you wake up and each night before you go to bed. “I (Your name) promise myself to take continuous action every day to achieve my goals and dreams. Each day in every way I am becoming more and more successful. My Success is simply just a matter of time. I have made the choice to be successful. I am taking action.” 2. What’s your purpose? Why do you wish to accomplish this goal? There needs to be a purpose other than just wanting to make a boat load of money. Answer these questions and go over them at least once a week. What can this goal do for others? How will accomplishing this goal change my life? How would this goal leave the world a better place? 3. What are you good at? I believe that everyone has certain gifts. Make a list of all the things you are good at that relate to your goal. Be specific, state how each one of these talents will help you reach your goals. 4. The one hour Success System This process is designed to calm, enlighten, inspire, and heighten your imagination. Starting out each day right, is key to making each day successful. Daily One Hour Success System 10 minutes of eating fresh fruit and stretching. 10 minutes of reading daily Self Improvement topics. 20 minutes meditating. 20 minutes writing your thoughts in a journal. 5. Make A Time Line Break your main goal down into several smaller goals and pick an exact date when you plan on accomplishing each goal. Being specific and precise is key. I would break your goal down into 5 small goals. The last goal of the time line being your main goal. 6. Why must you achieve this? List all the material reasons why you want to achieve this goal. Be as greedy as you would like. 7. What would happen if you did not achieve this? Make a list on all the reasons that you do not want to fail. Go over this list often. List how the goal will benefit your life, and how it will burden you if you don’t. We all have neuron pathways that are created based off of our current beliefs. These pathways create impulses that create how we act underneath our conscious mind. When we change our beliefs we change our neuron path ways. One of the easiest ways to change a belief is by associating pain with that belief. Make sure you list all the reasons you want to achieve your goal, and all the reasons why your life would be painful if you do not. 8. Seek Out Smarter People We cannot possibly be a expert in everything. Successful people leave clues. Seek out other people who are successful that can help you along the way. Leverage other peoples knowledge to help increase your circumstances. 9. Exceed Expectations Always give it your all, one hundred and ten percent. Don’t tell the world what you can do, show it. 10. Develop the Action habit Make a plan each night for the next day. Manage your time well, and you will make the most out of each day. The more action you can take each day, the sooner you will reach your goal.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 23:35:01 +0000

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