News coming from Pretoria, the capital of the Republic of - TopicsExpress


News coming from Pretoria, the capital of the Republic of South Africa, indicate that a huge number of people from Matebeleland, popularly referred to as Mthwakazi, resident in South Africa have anointed Albert Zwelibanzi Gumede as one of the first paramount Chief of Mthwakazi. According to the spokesperson of the Mthwakazi Community resident in South Africa, this anointment is meant to precede the envisaged choosing of the Mthwakazi King and the ultimate restoration of the Kingdom of Mthwakazi (Matebeleland) that once existed before colonialists destroyed it under the command of Cecil John Rhodes and his settler accomplices. Ms Phakathi Moyo, the spokesperson of the Mthwakazi community resident in South Africa is quoted as saying, “Gumede will be inaugurated as the first Mthwakazi Chief this Saturday at Yeoville Recreation Centre in Johannesburg South Africa” Moyo further stated that “Gumede was elected by the people of Mthwakazi who have been attending several Mthwakazi meetings and events that have been convened in and around Johannesburg because of his dedication and commitment to the upliftment of the cause of Mthwakazi” There has been growing calls both inside and outside Matebebeleland (Mthwakazi) for the restoration of Matebeleland as a Kingdom it was before it was colonized by the British and bundled with Mashonaland to form a country called Zimbabwe today. Many political formations and groups have sprung up to pursue the cause and first among them being the Mthwakazi People’s Congress (MPC). Since then there has been many notable groups that have seized on the idea and are now vigorously campaigning for Mthwakazi to be independent. The formations include the radical Mthwakazi Liberation Front (MLF) that continues to create political waves as it agitates for the independence of Matebeleland and other notable groups such as the Matebeleland Liberation Organization (MLO), a splinter group from the Mthwakazi Liberation Front as well as the Mthwakazi National Party and many others that have not been mentioned. Reliable sources indicate that Mugabe and his government have been and continue to be miffed by these calls for an independent state of Matebeleland and have criminalized the name “Mthwakazi” in Zimbabwe as the calls for a separate state of Mthwakazi grow stronger and louder. The anointed Gumede was himself arrested in December last year when he traveled in a car with a banner that had “Mthwakazi” name displayed on it to the official opening of the Joshua Mqabuko Airport in Bulawayo. The official opening was presided over by Zimbabwe’s President, Robert Gabriel Mugabe. Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe with an iron fist for the past 33 years and his early rule in the 1980’s saw the massacre of more than 50 000 people from Matebeleland using an army called the 5th Brigade of Zimbabwe, whose recruits came from mainly the Shona ethnic
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:25:27 +0000

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