NewsReel 7/9/13: 52 Hearty Cheers To Mrs. Ada Chioma Eze, an - TopicsExpress


NewsReel 7/9/13: 52 Hearty Cheers To Mrs. Ada Chioma Eze, an Amazon, Philanthropist & Mother [ Masterweb Reports: Eze Chukwuemeka Eze reports ] - “Every wise woman buildeth her house,” according to Proverbs 14 verse 1. It is based on this singular fact considering how this passage of the bible tallies with the vision of Mrs. Evang. Ada Chioma Henrietta Eze who toils daily to build her house from noting to what it is today that I hereby decorate this inspiring woman, whose life is totally dedicated and committed to building her home. She has become her family a model to many Christian families in all aspects of what a God fearing family should be. We have met in the University of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria in 1986 as undergraduates. I came to understand and appreciate what Proverbs 22:18 says, “Whosoever findeth a wife findeth good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord” as this lady turned my life from nobody to somebody. Mrs. Ada Chioma Eze formerly Miss Henrietta Nwaorgu of Ngor-Okpala in Imo State was born on 5th September, 1962 to the family of Pa Paulinus Nwaorgu and late Mrs. Celine Ada Nwaorgu. She is the third child of a family of nine with renowned Physician, Prof O.G.B. Nwaorgu of ENT Department in UCH, Ibadan and Romanus Nwaorgu a senior Custom Officer as brothers. She started her educational career at Umuodage Ntu Primary School from 1970 to 1976 and Secondary School at Amala/Ntu Sec. School from 1976 to 1981 all in Ngor Nkpala Local Government Area in Imo State. From 1981 to 1983 she attended the famous Federal Government Girls College (FGGC), Owerri where she did her Higher School Certificate which qualified her for a direct entry admission in the famous Alvan Ikoku College of Education, Owerri and University of Calabar in 1985. She however preferred the University of Calabar where she read History and graduated in 1988. Mrs. Eze did the compulsory National Youth Service, NYSC with the Ministry of Sports in Rivers State. By 2006, this Amazon obtained her Master’s Degree (MPA) in Public Administration from Federal University of Technology, Yola Adamawa State. Though married to this wonderful lady for over 23 years now, writing about her gives me so much joy and happiness which only God can give. I met her as a student in University of Calabar, Cross Rivers in 1985 but sports brought us closer and since then we have being lovers till date and it never surprised many of her room friends including (Barr Gloaria Akor, Barr Mrs Uche Uriri and Mrs Ohunene Scott-Ananaba, all of who I met recently, that we were married. I was the Faculty of Arts Sports Coordinator in 1986 and it happened that we were in the same Faculty so because of her outstanding interest and performance in Sports, I called her to assist me coordinate the female athletes as it will be difficult for me to be visiting the female hostels to ask them to come out for training and participation in the games. At the end of that year’s Inter-Faculty Games, Faculty of Arts came tops; while she was the most outstanding female athlete. I was declared the Best Sports Coordinator that year that afforded me to be elected unopposed as the Director of Sports in the SUG Election of 1986. With the help of this true gift from God, I was able to manage the UNICAL Football Team to become the champions of the Maiden edition of the NFA/PEPSI COLA Football Tournament amongst Higher Institutions in Nigeria in 1987. With this feat, I was awarded scholarship with the rest of the players to complete our education in the University. By 1987, she assisted me to organize the first Sports Honours Nit ever in the University where prominent sports sponsors like Alh. G.NA. Hamza, Chief M.K.O Abiola and Chief Emmanuel Iwanyanwu were honoured. On completion of her youth service in Port Harcourt, she joined me in Yola in 1989 where I was posted for the same exercise. Again, this Angel assisted me to become the most outstanding Corps Member in the State and becoming the first Corps Member in Nigeria to have served the nation without receiving the normal allowances paid to NYSC members when I donated mine for the development of my host Community. We stayed back in Yola after the youth service and by the grace of God was able to finish the normal traditional demands of her people and formerly got wedded by the then Rev, Ignatius Kagama now Bishop Kagama in charge of Jos Diocese of Catholic Church at St. Theresa Cathedral, Yola in May, 1992. With her assistance, we established a Sports Company (Eze Continental Sports Ltd through which we donated several cups for competitions and made our names household in the entire Adamawa State. Regrettably after several years in Yola, we were forced to leave Yola about a year ago due to the menace of the Islamic sect, Boko Harams. Today, we are blessed with six wonderful kids, four in the university and one in secondary school while the last aged ten in still in primary school. Mrs Ada C.H. Eze was born under the Virgo Astrology sign of August 23 –September 22 and when, I wanted to write on this wonderful woman, I looked through her Horoscope star and it seems that those that drafted it had her in mind “Analytical. Observant, Helpful, Reliable and Precise as these are truly the characters of this epitome of true womanhood. Read through the Virgo Sign and u will be reading about Mrs. Ada Eze but if you are not satisfied with the Virgo Signs then read Proverbs Chapter 31 verses 10 to 31 and you would have captured Mrs Ada Eze in her true nature. Let us consider just few of the verses of Proverbs 31 that was authored by the Holy Spirit that captures the kind of woman Mrs. Ada Eze is. Proverbs 31:10 says, “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her prize is far above rubies.11. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.12. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.13. She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.14. She is like the merchant’s ships; she bringeth her food afar.15. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her maidens.16. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.17. she girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.18. she perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.19. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. 20. She stretchet out her hand to the poor, yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.21. She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.22. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her cloth is silk and purple.23. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land, 24. She maketh fine linen and selleth it; and delievereth girdles unto the merchant.25. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.26. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.27. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.28. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also and he praiseth her.29. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.30, favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.31. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates”. Frankly speaking all these verses have one thing or the other to express about this woman that I have prayed God to allow me marry her and marry again, if there is anything like reincarnation. I wonder what will be my fate in this world if not for the part this special gift to me played in my life. In line with Proverbs Chapter 31 verse 24. “She maketh fine linen and selleth it; and delievereth girdles unto the merchant”, I left our family business to her to run while I pursue my political career outside Adamawa State and she did improved so much on it that people wondered what exactly I was doing when I was in-charge. In line with Proverbs Chapter 31 verse 20. “She strectcheth out her hand to the poor, yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy”, she founded the Compassionate Ministry through which she shares to the needy the goods that comes her way. A devout Christian who love God and committed to live out the tenets of laws of God and work hard to inculcate her beliefs in her children and the rest of her family and the Public Relations Officer of the Women Fellowship of Redeemed Peoples Mission, Yola District. Drama Producer/Director of the same church from 2009 to 2011 and currently an Evangelist based in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State. According to Chapter 31 verse 26. “She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness”, she stands as my most outstanding critic as she takes time to criticise any of my works or conducts that did not meet with her obvious high standard as she believes in excellence. In line with Proverbs 31 verse 31. “Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates”; and according to Nnenna Eze one of her fruits and her third daughter, “My Mum is a Princess in the court of d most high. I’ve always known my mum to be a woman of honour, prayer, virtue, wisdom, anointing, inspiration, godliness, righteousness, endurance, an instrument of Joy, dignity to mention a few. She’s just the best mum any child can ask for and I am so proud to have her as a mother. As a child, her contributions and influence on me is infinite. She he instilled wisdom in me” if you look at my mum, you will think that she is 40 but my mum is 50 to the glory of God.” To her son, Kelechi Eze, “my mother is an outspoken and fearless woman who only fear God and stand by the truth always, she loves and supports me in my career”. While to Monica Eze her first child, “My mum is a virtuous woman, a woman of substance, a woman that understands realities of life and gives life to the broken heart. She is my star Queen that I look up to”. To Chinyere Celine Eze her second daughter who she calls her mother as she was named after her late mother, Madam Celine Adama Nwaorgu, “My mum and daughter is a rare gem and gift to us her child. I am proud of her and pray God to grant her long life so that I can attempt to repay her little of her love towards us her children.” When I asked the woman of the moment what she thinks about herself, she sent me a text and stated, “I am a very practical person and outspoken. I hate lying, laziness, dirtiness, unkindness, immorality. I am a natural woman that hates makeup and painting by most women. I frown on indecent dressing; bad cook and most importantly, I fear, love and have great CONFIDENCE in God. I give God all the Glory for what He has done in my life. If there’s something the devil didn’t want me to witness, it was my 50th birthday. If there’s something I would like to be remembered for, it’s my love for my fellow human beings. I want the world also to know that Mrs. Ada Eze is a woman so much loved by her husband and greatly cherished by her children and friends. If you may recall and in line with her submission above, the devil did all within his powers to terminate the life of this godly woman after attacking her severally including a fatal accident on 22nd December, 2011 on her way back to the East from Yola with five of our kids for Christmas. We encountered a DAF Trailer with her Jeep and according to her; “I was awake during the accident, when the Jeep encountered the trailer, I saw the Jeep flying while I and the kids were in a sort of enclosure and after the accident the Angel of God remove the enclosure after ensuring that nothing happened to me or any of my kids but the trailer was so battered killing both the Trailer Driver and his two conductors! Somebody should tell me where such an incident ever happened in this world where a trailer encounters a smaller car and the people in the smaller car survived while the people in the trailer were all dead, if not demonstration God’s might and power?.” In conclusion, as this pillar of my life, my best friend, my mother, my wife and the power behind apart from God behind whatever I am today celebrates her golden jubilee birthday celebration, it becomes imperative that I state this fact that Jubilee in the bible is described as the period God restores lost dreams and destiny and time of relocation! Any one in bondage at Jubilee is bound to be freed! When Moses witnessed his jubilee, he moved from the backside of the desert to the centre point of history, Joseph moved from Prison to the throne, Queen Easter from slave girl to the throne, Lazarus from stench tomb to a celebrity, Obasanjo from Prison to Aso Rock and Gov Amaechi from exile in Ghana to Rivers State Govt House and as you are related to us and opportune to read this message on Evang. Mrs Ada C. H. Eze Snr Golden Jubilee birthday and based on the principles of God and His special love for her child and this family, I hereby extends this jubilee blessing to you and surely you shall be celebrated after reading this message so accept our congratulations for your great success and freedom from every disappointments in advance! This two time visitor to Jerusalem on pilgrimage courtesy of Adamawa and Rivers State Governments love for God made her to establish the Compassionate Ministries’ which she uses to spread the gospel and bring succor to the God’s children with more attention to the poor and under privilege. Her unfulfilled desire is to wax and launch a Christian gospel musical album to enable her reach to the wider public about the love of God to mankind. I wish I have the whole world to give to this woman, who turned my life around based on the grace of God in her life. Once more congratulations my love and my beloved Angel! Eze Chukwuemeka Eze ( Email: ezemediaconcept08@rocketmail. com Phone: 08038199163 ) is a Media Consultant based in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. *Photo Caption - Eze Chukwuemeka Eze with wife (Amazon, Philanthropist & Mother) and daughter.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:29:36 +0000

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