Next: Planting Squashes... including a couple of Zucchini: - TopicsExpress


Next: Planting Squashes... including a couple of Zucchini: seriously two Zucchini are enough, especially if you also plant a cute Scallopini Flying Saucer or two like I do! Step 1: Eat a good breakfast & while it is morning cool ...haul a few wheelbarrows of yummy compost to your squash designated area. I did about 8 wheelbarrow loads from an area for 16 hills about 3 feet apart in all directions. Rake roughly level. Step 2: Invest in a couple of bags of Seasoil soil amendment (I used 1 bag for 4-5 hills) & grab some of your organic fertilizer (No Epsom salts needed like the Tomatoes earlier...) Step 3: Space your starts OR it is perfect timing to do this same technique & start from seed now. For most squashes; I use 2 starts/seeds a hill but not Mr Zucchini! Step 4: I dig a good hole where the squash goes & place 1 cup of my Alfalfa fertilizer in the bottom. Give it a stir, water if your soil is dry. Now back fill with a small bucket of Seasoil, you will be at ground level now...Using the compost/soil from making the hole~ now make a hill. Squash like to be warmer & airier than tomatoes to keep their necks dry & not get stem-rot & tip over. (IE: game over & begin again.) The reason why I use Seasoil as well as my compost is, incase my compost is not totally broken down & therefore can rob the hill plantings of nitrogen. You could also simply drench the hole with a manure tea to provide easy nitrogen. Step 5: Plant 2 babies per hill, remembering to plant summer varieties at an edge for easy access to harvest: winter ones in the middle to get later! PS: Forget a map as they ramble and leap frog... Simply keep a list of varieties you planted to match up to shapes, colours & names later: my favourite Treasure Hunt in the fall!
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 05:58:34 +0000

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