Nine (9) teachers from the Freeland Community School District have - TopicsExpress


Nine (9) teachers from the Freeland Community School District have been nominiated for the Golden Apple award. That means 22% of the nominiees are Freeland teachers! Take a look at what our community is saying about them and feel free to go to the link below and vote. Ashley Sharp - Kindergarten Teacher at Freeland Learning Center Ashley is a wonderful teacher because she puts her heart and time into her kids. Those kids love her. She works so hard for the kids. She was ill for a long time and you could tell it was killing her being away from her kids. She loves being a teacher! She is a great person inside and out. Jill Maeder - Special Ed Teacher at Freeland Learning Center Jill is in short, amazing. Our son is autistic and Jill has been with Freeland schools since I was a kid. She not only made the transition from Preschool to streamlined Kindergarten painless, but she wanted to know all about what he could do and who he was so she could create the best possible learning experience for him and those that work with him. Working with teachers, para-pros, bus drivers, daycare, autism coordinators...everyone is in the loop and in the know about how he is doing and what he needs. And she does this with every single special child who comes across her doorway. We are extremely blessed that our child fell into her hands and he enjoys and thrives in his environment - we are constantly amazed at his progress at the hands of someone who always sees the potential. She is part of the circle that completes our sons world, without her, what a very different world his life would be. Kelly Proctor - Kindergarten Teacher at Freeland Learning Center Mrs. Proctor is always optimistic and her endless positive energy helps to keep learning fun and effortless. She makes all children feel important. Mrs. Proctor also taken an interest in her class by watching them participate in their co-curricular activities outside of the classroom. Her firm and friendly approach is one that we had heard about before our son was placed in her class but her method of instruction have exceeded our expectations. Im amazed at how far my daughter has come in her first year of school. I think Mrs. Proctor knows the right tools and exercised to use with the kids to keep them engaged and interested in learning. Im very appreciative of her and all of the other teachers in Freeland. Maggie Williams - 4th Grade Teacher at Freeland Elementary School Maggie is a wonderful teacher because she puts her whole heart into teaching. Those kids love her. She works so hard for the kids. You can tell she loves being a teacher! She is a great person inside and out. Ms. Crook - 4th Grade Teacher at Freeland Elementary I like Ms. Crook because she does not yell at us. She stays calm and then talks in a regular voice. She knows so much and helps us to learn by giving good examples. She lets us kids raise our hands to answer questions, not just pick someone. She helps us with homework. She is nice. Nathan Kade - 4th Grade Teacher at Freeland Elementary My son is in Mr. Kades 4th grade class and is 9 years old. When my son was 2 years old, he was diagnosed with mild spectrum autism. He stuggles with paying attention in class and often is caught staring into space. These past few years he has had to spend time outside the mainstream class and go to his special needs teachers class. This has not been the case this year. He is able to stay in the mainstream class with no issues. This year has been amazing for my son. He loves Mr. Kade and we have found that my son listens to (almost) every word Mr. Kade says. He has my son wrestling for the school, which we never thought would be possible for to have my son be in a group sport. Mr. Kade also runs the Freeland Wrestling Club and allows these young kids to learn and to love wrestling. He really cares for his kids. Mr. Kade is also very attentive to the parents. I highly recommend Nathan Kade for the Golden Apple Award. He is an amazing teacher and deserves it, as I would say most people would agree. Shelley Helmreich - 2nd Grade Teacher at Freeland Learning Center Mrs. Helmreich is a passionate and caring teacher. She has dedicated her career to teaching children and has proven that she is a great teacher. Steph Mehnert - 8th Grade Algebra Teacher at Freeland Middle School Mrs. Mehnert is a woman that teaches for the kids, not the pay. She needs to be recognized for her patience with the kids. She always makes time for her kids even if it means during her lunch time. This years group of kids has been a rough group to teach, and still Mrs. Mehnert is so patient with them all. I dont know how she does it. Being a math teacher is one of the harder subjects to teach kids and yet she keeps going. Tom Short - High School Chemistry Teacher at Freeland High School Mr. Short is a wonderful chemistry teacher. He utilizes knowledge from previous job experience to help his students apply chemistry to the world we live in. He takes extra time with students to help us better understand the material and to make sure we are prepared for our tests. He encourages his students to pursue jobs in science fields, so they will have a good job outlook. I recently wrote a paper for chemistry and he helped me proof read it 3 times. He has been one of my most helpful teachers throughout high school.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 17:58:12 +0000

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