No need for no stinkin introduction...Ferguson, MO. First, for - TopicsExpress


No need for no stinkin introduction...Ferguson, MO. First, for those idiots (and I use the word loosely) that burned down businesses and threw bottles and rocks at police and reporters, thug is too nice a word, these people behaved like animals. Second, and more importantly, we were told that those who were looting and rioting were only a handful, while the vast majority of the protesters were peaceful. Where was that silent majority last night? Why did they do nothing to stop that small hand full of animals from destroying a neighborhood? From eyewitness accounts (six of them black by the way) forensic evidence and autopsy results, the following is a basic timeline of the self defense killing of Mr. Brown... Mr. Brown knocks over a convenience store, pushing the clerk to the floor on his way out the door, stealing a box of smokes. Officer Wilson in on patrol in the area, and hears the 911 dispatch, including description, brand of shoes being worn, and identifying characteristics of the stolen cigarillos. He then sees two young men walking in the middle of the street, matching the description, carrying the smokes, and wearing the same shoes. The three men exchange words, with Mr. Brown being very vulgar and belligerent. The officer pulls his car close enough to the two men that Mr. Brown is able to grab his door as the officer opens it, slamming it shut. Mr. Brown then attempts to get the officers side arm, a struggle ensues, and two shots are fired while possession of the gun hangs in the balance. The officer retains possession of his weapon, and Mr. Brown starts to walk away, maybe because he figures this is over and that the officer is scared to face someone of his size and strength. The officer then opens his door and exits his vehicle, Im guessing gun drawn and ready to fire. Mr. Brown being the mental giant that he was knows that he is going to jail, and he panics. He uses what he has always used, his size and strength. He attempts to bum rush the officer, bent at the waist, head down planning on the officer not firing and his being able to knock him down/out and walking away from this thing. The officer did not panic. He calmly landed several rounds from his weapon at center mass, and when that did not slow the charge, he raised his sights and shot the man who had in the last moments of his life robbed a store, threw a clerk to the ground, slammed a cops door on him, attempted to get a policemans weapon, and in a final act of stupidity charged a man with a loaded weapon, squarely between the eyes, dead right there. As clear a self defense shooting as there ever was, period. The responsibility for the riots and the looting, other than the stupidity and the sense of entitlement of those involved rest solely on the shoulders of Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, and the so called black leaders in the community. They had the same access to evidence as we all did, they knew then, and they know now that this was self defense, that did not matter to them. They thrive on chaos, they live to see themselves on television. They led everyone to believe that Mr. Brown was shot in cold blood, in the back with his hands up, it was on the cover of Time for the love of God. If there were the first centilla of justice in this world, Mr. Browns parents would have had a press conference less than a week after this shooting, in it they would have told people that if you rob convenience stores, that if you attack police officers, if you attempt to get a weapon from a policeman, the ending will not be good for you. The moment a man attempts to go for a police officers weapon, all bets are off, one of them will most probably die that day. It will be the officer if the perpetrator is able to obtain the weapon, or it will be the perp, if the officer is able to maintain it. Officer Wilson apparently knew that, Mr. Brown was either ignorant of the fact or was just too stupid to care. There are consequences for actions, that is not in dispute. You make bad choices, you wind up shot, in this case several times. Am I saddened by an eighteen year old man losing his life? Of course I am, without a doubt, did that eighteen year old man bring it on himself, of course he did, without a doubt. Are the actions of the animals that are attempting to profit off of the incident reprehensible? Yes, only because I cant think of a better adjective for it. That is all. Yall have a great night.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 22:40:38 +0000

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