No price to high? I keep telling myself that there is nothing I - TopicsExpress


No price to high? I keep telling myself that there is nothing I wouldnt give to finally be my true-self after all if I had kept on like I had then I wouldnt be here to complain today. One day while tasting the end of my .45, I thought what have I got to lose by transitioning? The answer is nothing I was moments away from ending it all so why not roll the dice one more time and see what comes up. So far it has been a huge improvement in the quality and quantity of my life, before I was a fat unhappy person who felt imprisoned in a disgusting shell someone who could not relate to others and felt nothing but contempt for my own life. Now I am a happy person who loves just about everything about her life especially all the great friends that Ive made in the last few years. The only issue that I have now is the price that I/We are charged for this happiness I would gladly pay this price of admission but what galls me is there should be no price placed on us to be our true-selves, it only comes from the ignorance of others. I do not hate these haters however I do feel anger, bitterness, resentment and some other emotions towards them, I know I need to let go of these feeling and I am doing so by venting here amongst my friends. I think the biggest emotion that I feel towards them is pity, what a miserable life they must lead to try and crush anothers last attempt towards happiness they must have a cold heart indeed to reject us like they do.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 15:35:04 +0000

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