Noah was an amazing man! He had the nerve to do exactly what God - TopicsExpress


Noah was an amazing man! He had the nerve to do exactly what God asked him to do! Noah didnt know a thing , not a single thing about seafaring , so the request must have caught him by surprise, go build a boat!!?? Fill it with animals! Prepare for a lot of rain! But because of Noahs family was saved, he was saved, a boatload of animals were saved as well as saved from a world wide flood! Why did God select Noah? We dont know all the reasons but it was stated that God was disgusted with the people, how they were living (remind you of any people you know) and it tells us in Gen.6:6 that God regretted He had made humankind! He actually grieved and felt sad in His heart that He made mankind! However when God looked across the earth He noticed one man who was different: Noah ! This one blameless and righteous man not only walked with God but found great favor with God. All Noah and his family had to do was build a boat and climb aboard with His entire family and a bunch of animals, sounds like great fun, right!! I can hear the neighbors now, that stupid Noah, he has lost his mind, building a big boat like that , putting all those animals aboard, you know he has lost his mind. I am surprised his wife got on that boat with him and taking all the children! When the first raindrops hit the wooden deck, Noah and his family knew that he wasnt crazy after all but he was obedient . How would you or I have responded to such a challenge? Noah had only one response when he and his family stepped out on dry ground, to worship the God who called him and the same God took care of him and his family! Faith always challenges us to push aside our worries, our fear, our stress and trust God no matter what,choosing to live by faith! We live in difficult times, strange times, God calls us to trust Him and do some seemingly strange things by other peoples standards. He calls you and me to trust Him today, what will you do? Would you go build a boat?
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:28:57 +0000

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