#Nollyland - Young Screenwriter, You can sit on ur ideas for years - TopicsExpress


#Nollyland - Young Screenwriter, You can sit on ur ideas for years and diss producers and directors and actor - even God - for not giving you a chance in Nollywood, or you can start reaching out to everybody who can help your carreer to the permanent site and start networking like crazy. How can you change the game if you dont even know the game? Stop whining and start winning: Creat linkages. There is a mathematical law of numbers: The more people you know and network, the more relevant you are. Ask politicians. Here are some advice from your paddy: 1. Stop worrying about people stealing your stories and ideas. If you are as great as you think you are, producers will be all after you. Great talent is a gold fish, hard to reproduce. 2. Every production that promotes their flicks here on our forum, add them to your list of friends on FB! And bug the shit out of them until they agree to see a sample of your work, it also helps to have an email list (I am still procastinating over creating one, lol, I need a P.A!) - 3. Deliver the best sample of your work to producers cos in show biz, first impression is the only impression - Its called a silver bullet. Dont shoot blanks o! 4. Never trust your own assessment of the quality of your scripts, or the opinion of your family n friends. I have often been pitched scripts from smooth talkers that turn out to be crap - most dont even know script format from stage plays and prose. Learn proper formatting. 5. Most veteran writers like Emil and myself (Hehehe, I must be crazy promoting the competition but then he is a gold fish like me) Most veterans offer script doctoring and editing services and critique your work for a small fee. Do not bother us with your first or second drafts. Take it from me, its crap. Dont waste your money on us, until you are ready. 6. Find a network of writers and peer up. Your network is your first pro critic system and its free! You dont need 30 members. 3 is a network. 7. Find a writing mentor. Someone that can accept your torture and read ur crap and actually offer helpful pointers, and resist the urge to ask him to poach his meal ticket and introduce you to all his paying producers (na wa for some piranhas o). 8. Accept criticism in good faith. Never take it personal. You want a sycophant? Buy your babe a car. 9. If you find a good writing opportunity, spread the word here (lol, just kidding). But seriously, spread opportunities to your network and mentors. You have very limited chances of booking that big gig yourself anyway at this stage of your career, but a grateful mentor or network can open Ali Babas cave for you in terms of opportunities. What you sow, you will reap many time over. 10. Never look down on people in this industry. Everybody is important. As you make progress, help others behind you. Gratitude opens doors. Never look down on people. The great Genevive Nnaji started as a waka pass. So did most of us in one form or another. And one day, I will be Naijas biggest producer. So pay attention to what I am saying now. The end. To God be the glory. PS: Change your attitude about Naija movies. Visit a cinema near you every once in a while and watch a Nollyland movie, or buy a DVD. Its not easy to get that far. Might br your turn one day. Happy 100 years, Naija.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 06:31:25 +0000

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