North Korea, arguably the world’s most dangerous totalitarian - TopicsExpress


North Korea, arguably the world’s most dangerous totalitarian country, has recommended a range of 28 hairstyles for its citizens, claiming that they are “the most comfortable” styles and capable of warding off the corrupting effects of capitalism, according to a report in the times of India. Quoting a Hong Kong-based website, the paper said that North Korean women could choose from 18 feathery looks, while men must make do with only 10. And here too, there are further restrictions. Married women are instructed to keep their tresses short, while the single ladies are allowed let loose with longer and curlier locks. As regards men, the hair of the country’s young men should be less than 5 cm long and they should have a haircut once every 15 days as longer hair apparently takes away nutrition from their brains! Older men, whose brains are presumably in decline, anyway, are allowed to rock out with hair as long as 7 cm, according to the country’s new rules. If you need a rule- book to cut your hair, one can imagine the quality of life that people in North Korea, the world’s most secluded country, have. Now under Kim Jong-un, a young and third generation dictator after his grandfather and father (the politics of dynasty is easier and entrenched deeper in autocracies and under totalitarianism), North Korea is least bothered by global norms and practices. In fact, North Korea has made a virtue out of defiance of such norms and practices, including international treaties that it has been party to. Yet to complete a year in office, Kim has fired two long-range missiles and tested a nuclear weapon, having dangerous implications for countries such as Japan, South Korea and India. Yes, North Korea’s missile and nuclear policies are ominous from India’s point of view, given their connections with Pakistan. Read More: indiandefencereview/spotlights/pakistans-korean-link/
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 10:46:02 +0000

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