Not my post but reflects my current thinking of new - TopicsExpress


Not my post but reflects my current thinking of new labour... Avatar Ejacques1938 • 4 hours ago One of the enduring themes of the Labour Party No voters, people like Jim Murphy MP, Gordon Brown, Johann Lamont, and Alistair Darling et al is that we are indeed Better Together with our shared history, Labour movement successes (sic) such as the NHS, welfare state, Britain’s status and seat on the top table of world affairs and on some abstract notions of status quo solidarity and community which would be lost forever if the foolish Scots don’t stay with the union. These are the same Labour leaders who unashamedly promoted PFI and the privatisation agenda, the outsourcing of public sector work and jobs, who lauded the city, light touch regulation, risk takers and venture capitalists, city slickers, and all those who’s overarching greed brought about the world-wide financial crisis and austerity to millions of working people who they claim so earnestly to support and represent. While more than happy to take the trade union shilling, none of them would demean themselves on a picket-line or unambiguously voice their support (and incur media and establishment wrath) for those trying to escape the dole and who, like thousands of miners before them, might never work and receive a living wage again. . That’s why local polls in Fife suggest that some 60% of voters in overwhelmingly working class Kirkcaldy (Gordon Brown’s constituency) have turned their backs on Labour and are likely to vote YES.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:55:45 +0000

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