Not to keep Beating the horse: but there has been much discussion - TopicsExpress


Not to keep Beating the horse: but there has been much discussion from 2 sides on this issue as you are aware. This FB post was interesting. It answered a question: My question is: why doesnt the Charles County Sheriff department do press releases on ALL DUIs. Answer: Interesting enough, there is a media outlet that does receive all information on all DUI arrests from the Sheriffs Office. So the answer to this is yes, all this information is released to the press. You can visit the below link to see that this media outlet began collecting DWI arrest information prior to the incident being discussed here. {will provide if needed to anyone who IM/ but I am sure you have seen the yellow poster/ we decided not to have it on this page yesterday] It sure would be nice if people would not make assumptions that everything is politically motivated. Maybe, just maybe people are just doing the right thing by providing media outlets with requested information. Those who know me know that I too have been the subject of media inquiries for an incident that if I were not a public servant would not have ever raised an eye. But I am, just as the Commissioner is. Fact of the matter is no matter how unfair it seems, public servants are under a microscope. I know how it feels...been there. My own Agency had an obligation to respond to media inquiries about me just as they have an obligation to respond to media inquiries about any other public servant. And as unfortunate as it seems, the fact is that when incidents occur such as this and others, it is a matter of public record and a public agency would be hard pressed to find justification to withhold the information from media inquiries. So I would ask that instead of questioning the motive of releasing details about a DWI arrest, maybe we should appreciate the fact that the laws enacted to provide the public access to records was complied with. And finally, can you even imagine the outrage the public would present if there was even a hint of a cover up? The incident happened, there was media interest and no lawful justification to withhold the information. Sometimes doing the right thing isnt the most popular move.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 13:49:56 +0000

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