Note: this is a very long post!!!!!!! September 24, 2012 my - TopicsExpress


Note: this is a very long post!!!!!!! September 24, 2012 my husband was getting up to go to work at 6 am. i woke with him with a slight cramp but didnt think anything of it. he left for work and as an hour passed i started to time them because the cramps became more strong and more contraction like. i called my sister and she said to relax and she didnt think it was labor. well 9 am came around when i did my final count. the contractions were coming in about every 5-7 mins and lasted 1-2 minutes each. my husband at the time was talking to his commander or first shirt, im not sure which about getting a day off for one of my appointments, as he was leaving the office i texted him these exact words "dont freak out but i think i need to go to the hospital" he then did an about face and walked back into the office and said "i need to leave now". when i got to the hospital i was only 2 cm and was told to walk the hospital for an hour. so i did. the pain had gotten so bad that i had everyone asking if i needed a wheelchair. i declined saying i was told to walk. at 12 noon i went back to labor and delivery and was checked. i was at 4 cm. i was admitted and did the standard stuff. i got an epidural. they broke my water. i had a paper signed so a few select family members could get on base to be there. at 3 am on September 25th i began pushing. i pushed for 2 hours and finally at 5:09 my beautiful daughter Sofia Rayne Daily was born. she weighed 7 pounds and 3 oz. and was 19 inches. a few hours later i began to shake terribly and was so cold. i couldnt hold my daughter or feed her! my husband was amazing and took care of her for me. turns out that the chronic UTI had turned to a kidney infection and a blood infection. and to top it off after a CAT scan a blood clot was found in my Right lung. i started antibiotics and shortly after i started a blood thinner shot called Lovenox. On September 26 my daughter was checked by the doctors and they were concerned about how fast she was breathing. the hospital i was at did not have a NICU so she was transffered off base to a civilian hospital and was checked. her breathing became normal but she had Jaundice and Sepsis. while i was being treated on military base she was at the other. i was on base for a week and a half. it was by far the hardest thing i could ever go through. i slept my entire stay in the hospital. finally about a week and a half later i was released from the hospital. Sofia was to stay in the NICU til October 10. October 9 i was at a blood thinner appointment on base when i got a call from the other hospital. the nurse told me i could bring her home that night! i was so excited. i waited and waited for my appointment and was never called so i left. i went straight to the civilian hospital (after going and buying Sofia a new carseat. she had one but i didnt like it so i wanted a diff one lol) so October 9 at 5 pm i brought my bundle of joy home and was the happiest mother alive at that moment. nothing was going to bring me down. not even the Twice a day shots i had to get in my stomach. but there it is! my labor and delivery story! -Lynne
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 06:09:21 +0000

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