Notice where Utah sits on the map in this article compared to - TopicsExpress


Notice where Utah sits on the map in this article compared to almost every other state. The people you think are representing you probably arent. And they count on you voting for them because they know you agree with their lets stop Obama and his radical agenda scare tactics. Obama has been in office for 6 years. Unemployment is at its lowest. Stock markets at their highest. More Americans are insured than ever. The housing market is fixed. The banking system is under control in contrast to years ago. Credit card companies and lenders have tougher restriction that protect EVERY AMERICAN. We arent in 2 pointless wars anymore. Bin Laden is dead (not that it matters a whole lot but everyone seemed so worried about it when we destroyed our country to kill one person). Our country is more free and more equal than it ever would have been under our alternative option in 2012 and too many people are so worried that a black person is president or just buy in to whatever the talking heads on Fox say that they dont realize that these statistics are not coincidence. We have a president who has accomplished MORE WITH LESS vacation days and hes done it with no help from the idiots a lot of people in the U.S. still plan on voting for. If you think the president is your problem you are probably mistaken. Saying the U.S. was better before Obama is a statement that can be disproven by facts and numbers. Not opinions. I guess everyone should step back and decide if they want to believe the numbers or the fear mongers.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:20:44 +0000

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