November psychic scopes 2014 Aquarius Happy Talk...Freedom of - TopicsExpress


November psychic scopes 2014 Aquarius Happy Talk...Freedom of speech is the key. Do you have it? And if not would you like it? So have it? You have a voice and have a choice right now. This month will be full of surprises from others around you and where you may surprise yourself at how you have moved on. You are taking things up a gear or definitely ready to right now and your gut feelings are particularly strong. For some of john these changes may seem extreme and out of the ordinary to yourself and others and may take a bit if getting used to. But they are changes for the better. Listen to your heart right now it is telling you the truth and leading you on the page if what you truly desire. The 5th will start as abruptly as it ends and will be filed with exotic choice so much so that you may not be able to fit it all in. Just observe rich now if need be it isnt necessary to do everything at once. Just choose he thing you are most drawn to. On the 20th a different bird will sing from tree of truth and something will be revealed that may have been a question as far back as. April this year. The answers to a lot of questions will come on the 17 th and 27th and be ready for a new arrival on the third week where there will be tears of laughter, joy and uncertainty. It is important to grill a certain person to obtain the truth about a situation which will confuse you so keep at it. Justice will be done in the end and honesty will Al important. Pick up the phone even if u you do not recognise who is calling as one call in particular will change your life for ever. Take a chance on someone you have known for a long time and lay all your cards on the table when it comes tout business its important to set the record straight as this will lay new foundations for the next few months. A stirrer in be works will come to light and what you ought was a good thing may need alternative action. All in all there is much change this November and I feel busy times where mothers are concerned. Pisces... Aint no stopping me now,... Just keep going with the enormous creative streak that is soaring through you. You have the ideas and they are amazing ones. Learn this month to run with them and share them with others. Imagine you are skipping over a hill with a beautiful kite in your hands. It is blowing happily on the wind and at the same time showering fragments of crystalised stars or inspiration to the world. This is the beginning of your legacy I feel you are on the correct path and although sometimes you hit a bumpy patch you are able to keep your footing secure. Leave behind the memories of others who have held you back and cast a shadow of insecurity over your life. It is but a cloak which can be now unleashed to the sky and set free. You are free to what ever you wish it is your choice and I see you being a guiding light to those you may least expect. There are many individuals around who want to offer you tools for your journey and will appear when necessary so keep your eyes and ears open as there maybe some who seem invisible at first. A girl who has a gypsey decent will offer a hand of friendship but wants something in return. she is good inside but may try to upset the apple cart. keep your heart open and a protective halo around you at all times. you will be victory why even go there in the first place. you can make friends but on your terms. Little by little you are seeing the cracks opening in others lives and will see how luck has been on your side all along. Keep shining pisces right through to December and miracles will happen.. Aries... The sun has got his hat on.. Well thats what you need to keep close in your mind this month. There is sunshine to be had and although it may feel like you have to pull away the cobwebs to see it, once you do you will see an astonishing glimmer of light. Clearing a way is a must though this month and by the 15th you will see a matter come to a close that you have been waiting for, for such a long time now. Over the last 6 years there has been a definite learning challenge and this month all that heartache and struggle may just pay off. Watch out on the 22nd for a very tempting offer and a long awaited prize. It maybe in the form of job opportunity or for some even a bonus check. I see alot of patting on the backs although there is also a few bits being packed away. This is for good this time and not just for the closing of the season. some good memories will be shipped off to foreign seas and it is unlikely they will return. You have brought this about in your thoughts throughout the summer and you will know this is for the best. You are ready to climb the biggest mountain of all this month and once you reach the peak you will see a whole new world waiting for you. This is a month of reaching goals and putting to bed the old and the tired. You have the chance to make new friends and create fantastic alliances that will be good for your well being as well as your pockets. There is always riches out there and yes you do deserve them so start yourself now. I feel once January comes and the storms have finally past you will be rolling in clovers of the 4 leaf kind.. Taurus... Labelled with love... Label everything and be sure of what box it has gone in as you will need it later. Lovingly pack things away and tell them that they are important and although you may not need their services right now you will do later on. This is a time for a few alterations as there has been new perspective bursting out of the seams. all the things laid out in front of you are all part and parcel of the bigger picture but first things first there needs to be a plan. I see an important goal to be achieved this month and that means that you need to go back to the drawing board a nd decide on what is priority. Others who love you will understand that you need to focus and those that dont do not have your best interests at heart. I see some new romance and social times popping in and out when you least expect so although you have important things to do it is still important to allocate a bit of fun time as this is actually one of the biggest priorities. You never know it maybe the month to meet the one!! oooh err I say. Things are definitely on the up for you though taureans and I believe that you will see some real fruits of your labour by the 21st of this month. Look after yourself and give yourself some love when you have a momnent. Even 5 minutes a day will be rewarded 10 times fold.. Gemini... Papa can you hear me?... I understand there will be quite alot of questioning this month and a possible dip in belief that the universe is actually listening but remember you only need ask once. the universal life team are working away to get things prepared. there is alot of celebration to be had although you may not see the end to particular ongoing challenge. i see glasses being clinked and feeling of love given and received. something is returning and if it isnt a person then it will be the feeling of romance. All of a sudden a situation wil arise to turn things on its head and although it may feel chaotic it will be for the best. Keep the 28th in your diary for something special. Others are not ignoring you they are just busy doing the same as you and so let go of any doubts that you are unimportant. it seems that this month you need some serious me time which will give you a better sense of self worth and once that peaks you will feel more enterprising. It is as though where things are flowing beautifully in the middle of this month things come to a sudden halt and there will be a sense of feeling shut out and whispering behind closed doors. be aware of letting your imagination run away with you. there is little to fear just use this time for you and know you will be uninterrupted. You have needed some space so take it. remember the universe is answering your cal so be careful what you wish for. If you feel yourself feeling angry or frustrated put that energy into creative pursuits and do your best to not dwell on things you are unable to do anything about. Things are going well you are being heard so just flow a bit.. Cancer...Lay all your love on me.... give yourself some and open your heart to the possibilities and that is what will happen. Stop overthinking as that will only add more confusion just do it open up your heart feel what you are feeling and the words will come. See simple? Things do not have to be over complicated. in fact the less you try and the more you just do the more love will come to you. Little by little you are making progress and by the 13th you will some big opportunitys opening up so grab them if you want them. they are yours for the taking. This is a good month to communicate and give yourself the love you deserve. Be confident and strong in your mind and you will have some wonderful things take place. Life can be the best right now and there is only a small steam to cross now to get to the best part of the year. Its that easy too that you could just walk it without even getting wet. Its just sometimes you look at things as if they are mountains and with that a great fear rises within. look for a little long and face things head on and you will see that the mountain is no more. We are all moving away from the past now and moving into a new way of being so embrace that and skip rather than crawl. An important message will be delivered in the later part of te month and this will put a fabulous smile on your face it will also allow you to relax a bit and bring conclusion to a situation which has been going on for months now. December will be bright so start looking forward by enjoying whats happening now.. Leo... Forget your troubles and just get happy..Life can be a bowl of cherries but you keep picking out the wrong seeds and destroying the colour which is the most alluring part. Let go of putting so much effort into defending yourself there is nothing to defend well all except yourself that is. you having a one person battle at the moment and need to give yourself a break. Attacking everything, yourself and everyone around you will only destroy what you have already created. Messages are give to help not hinder but it is up to yourself to understand that. It is time to even up the goal posts a little and let go of the guilt that you are carrying and maybe a bit of humble pie would not go a miss. The people who you feel are your enemies may just be the thing that have kept you afloat so have respect and gratitude for their time. time and energy is so important and if someone gives it freely then it is worth its weight in gold and should be rewarded. Even if that reward is kind words. Lighten the load a little this month and let things flow a little. your shoulders seem to be permanently hunched right now and your heart full of frustration. you need to play a bit more and in the area of romance not things that are bad for you. love will help you so much but you need to open up to the possibilities first Right now there is no balance and that needs restoring a.s.ap or you may find you tip over the edge completely. clear away the stress and start to create normality, relax a little and equilibrium will return... Virgo...theres no business like show business... and what a business, so much going on, coming and going, tooing and froing. I am surprised you know what you are doing at the moment. you maybe feeling chaotic but its actually everyone else bringing stress to your door. if you are able to find a peaceful haven this month then do so. it could be doing something creative or just having fun with close friends. either way this needs to be a time and place of sanctuary. others are coming to you because you are the steady voice of reason even though you may feel you are constantly on the edge. yes you are the grounding force right now and be proud of that as that means you are actually ok. Show business is always chaotic as it requires so much creativity and genius also a little craziness to pull off a top performance. why not just flow with it, adorn yourself in the biggest brightest costume you can be find. paint your face with the glow of mystery and magic. this way you will blend into the scenery just perfectly and be able to actually go unnoticed. join the throng in its musical madness and become one of them. that way they will leave you alone as you will look just like them. You can then easily slip off into the wings, peel off your wig and have a sneaky 5 minutes offstage and breath a bit . All in all this is a quirky month and although some disasters may seem unending very soon you will be able to sit back and watch all your efforts paying off beautifully... Libra...tell me its not true... there is something you are not believing although you are seeing it clearly with your own two eyes. It is good so why are you so hesitant. ok yes you are a libra but everything is balanced right now and this is the right time to act. If you are hearing something that is less favorable then it will also be for the best. you will see because one loss will bring three more things to gain. love is on the cards this month and if you are looking then you can bet it will come looking for you. it could be anywhere in the bakers, the bank, down tescos aisle. the whereabouts the when and the hows are unclear but thats because it will surprise. if you are in a relationship then it can only get better. there is a solid foundation growing and you are the manifestor. it is all down to your hard work. so stop shying away form the good things and open that post when it comes sailing through your letter box. it is all for the good thats what you need to keep telling yourself. Now the 22nd will bring magic so be on your guard. I am not being told what kind but it is worth the wait so again be excited rather than fearful. Life is good in actual fact and you need to start embracing the wonders that unpredictability can bring. Believe in your heart that everything is fantastic and it will be.. Scorpio...the greatest love of all... this month you will have the realization that unless you love yourself then no one else will in return. there has been an enormous amount of upheaval in your life but only to show you the way. you have so many wonderful planetary alignments around and even saturn although it is harsh it is actually doing you a favour. listen to the message that are being given and give up the guilt that you are letting others down. you are letting yourself down. the moment you get some you time the tables will will be given and an amazing turn around of events will have you so sky high that you will be bursting with happiness. something good will come in the second two weeks of november which will help a burden right now and justice will show its just desserts shining a light of fortune in your career and love areas. All in all you have the power to do anything you want. you just need to be kind to yourself and decide just what that is. clear away the clutter and the people that are taking all of your time and put the energy back into your own heart. You deserve the best and you will achieve just that. letting go of things is about making room for better things. focus on what you love the most and you will always be surrounded within the warmth of compassion.. sagitatrius.... chain chain chain chain of fools...its always the same answer you are getting so its time to change the question or maybe change the pattern? If you could hear yourself saying and repeating the same things over and over you may discover that its just not working. One thing leads another and another thing and so on. you need to do one thing or at least start to change the course. thinking will not ring results and soon you will be going round in endless circles of indecision. what do you want? how can you make the changes? why isnt it happening? what is it that you are continually repeating that is preventing your wish. doubt? guilt? fear of the unknown or all of them? Its time to make a clear plan and stick to it. time is moving and it is time for you to do the moving on. let go of the past ask your self what will make you truly owe others nothing. ask yourself what have some individuals given to you? A great stride forward is imminent this month but it must be you that has the courage to take it. once you do it will seem so easy thats the best bit of all. all the worry of what ifs,how etc will be irrelevant because by then you will be there where you want to be, where ever that is. You have alot of guidance around you and it is time to get on the right platform so break the pattern now and the old chains that are hindering you. you can do it.. Capricorn.. Sail away sail away.. there is a expansion happening and your mind will be looking further maybe even to foreign climes. the world is opening up and there are many possibilities you just need to map out the new legg of your journey. this is a place where you have not been before and it will require new research and courage to step into the unknown. there are chances to take but they are positive gambles right now and they necessary for you to progress. You may be looking to travel or go on a pilgrimage either way you will need time to plan and dream about what could be. let your mind wander as far as it can and be creative and imaginative. take away the doubt of obstacles like can I afford to? when do i do it? just put it out there and the universes will grab hold and then start to bring it closer into reality. Life is a world of excitement right now and it is time to step into a different form of transport and see where it leads. A new direction will open up more doors bring new contacts and friendships into your life. To have the experience to experience is a great one and one not to be ignored. Some will never have the chance so when it comes knocking into your psyche it is a time to listen and answer the call. You have been needing to do this for sometime and now is the appropriate energy space to do it. You will discover so much so get packing and take to the seas...
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 13:27:05 +0000

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