Now, I have seen people getting into relationships many times and - TopicsExpress


Now, I have seen people getting into relationships many times and then breaking up 4 months down the track… WHAT!? What’s the point in that??? What does that do to someone’s self-confidence and self-worth?? Here’s a tip, how about the next time you think about getting into a relationship, my question for you is this: “Can you see yourself spending the rest of your life with this person?” If you can’t… stop wasting each other’s time and effort, save the heart ache and go your separate ways. Blunt, I know but it’s frustrating to see But if you can… push through the hard times that make a relationship difficult. Don’t give up on the first sign of an argument. Don’t give up on each other. Persevere. Be honest and open, keep no secrets and be accountable to one another. And yes, be ready to be heartbroken because it will happen. So be ready to forgive. That’s what love does to us. Love is more than just a feeling; it’s a 24hour, 7 day a week job. It isnt something that happens overnight. A relationship with love, takes work. Love takes work! Love needs to be cultivated. Love needs room and nurturing to grow. Love is NOT a one way street. Love builds and defines your relationship’s character but will also break down walls for breakthrough. Love is not selfish. Even when it’s 9pm, you haven’t eaten since lunch and you’re sitting in a restaurant, starving, waiting about an hour for your food and when you get it, she asks “Can I have a piece of that please?” Love is sacrifice in its purest form. If you love someone, you will make sacrifices for them and to be with them. Getting into a relationship is a lot more than some people bargain for. Here’s a great quote from one of my favorite poets, Miles Hodges. “…Ive watched queens grow cold. Watched their faith in loves existence quake and break like a caged Katrina, bursting through the dam. She’s damn tired of going on dates, dinners, getting dressed up for quicksand, getting thrust down and abandoned, like her body was a burning Titanic, a shipwreck in an ocean set ablaze, her thighs and bow and brain set to fire! She’s like F*** THAT LEO I’D RATHER DROWN!” Thoughts???
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 04:23:49 +0000

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