Now its my turn... I have screamed, cried, kicked, punched, called - TopicsExpress


Now its my turn... I have screamed, cried, kicked, punched, called names, swore, lashed out, and judo chopped. Now it is time to put my gift to use. 1. Surface problem The surface problem is that a flawed civilian young man met a flawed law enforcement officer and a series of unfortunate events occurred. The undertones of racism and continued oppression from a system that seems to be skewed to disenfranchise minorities seems to be in play. I have read over every bit of information provided by the St. Louis County government and in my humble opinion I believe the grand jury was put in an impossible situation that only had one fair outcome. I could go into the ins and outs of the job of a grand jury but that is not my point. My point is only to define the surface problems. The vast majority of people who have chimed in on the Michael Brown Shooting have picked a side. One side says Ofc. Wilson did his job and got another thug off the street. The other side says says that excessive force was used to a person that was not a threat at the moment of their death. Neither side is willing to come to the table and admit that their side is wrong or may b influenced by experience or stereotype. 2. Surface Solution. Bring attention to the perceived bias by protest, violence, or any means necessary. entrench yourself in your own beliefs and surround yourself wih those that think like you do. March, donate, spit hatred, vitriol, spite, inconsideration and hatred towards the party or parties that u believe is the cause of this. 3 Root Cause Sin. This is the root of all hatred, bias, racism, and discrimination. For anyone to suggest that a young mans life should ended violently because he bullied a shopkeeper or disobeyed and officer is outrageous. At the same time those that think destroying and stealing what others have worked for because you are angry is just as egregious. There is only One Right, only One Good (Mark 10:18) Sin is comfortable. If it were not we would not have the command of dying daily. 4. Root Solution. Pray, fast, take up your cross. This is not just a tragedy, this is an opportunity to nail your bitterness on the cross. Jesus did not die for you to be free to return to a life of sin, shame bitterness and apathy. For any one that calls Jesus their Master there is no such thing as race. Everyone came from Adam and Eve therefore everyone is the same thing they were . HUMANS.!!! Let go of your bitterness and ask yourself why does this particular group think like this...better yet ask them. Its easy to love someone that thinks like you think and agrees with what you believe, a little more difficult to love the way Christ has commanded. Dont forget While they were beating him to death He asked the Father for forgiveness for them. This darkness can only be driven out by the light of Christ. God bless all that read this and all that dont
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 23:04:07 +0000

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