Now ponder yet the struggle that He faced upon that cross Was - TopicsExpress


Now ponder yet the struggle that He faced upon that cross Was more than just the pain He bore While dying for the lost But stronger still the battle waged As we might plainly see For like in the beginning When He faced temptations three For as He faced the devil wise When coming from the shore And fasted then for forty days With nothing planned in store So now He faced a greater threat To end His ministry For weakened by rejection And the beatings that we see The devil through his agents Did try to force the Man To prove Himself the Son of God To foil Salvations plan For first He heard the multitude That told Him to come down And prove Himself the Son of God By standing on that ground And then the leaders pressed Him If He a healer be To prove Himself the Son of God By coming off that tree And then once more the one who hung And bore a guilty curse Insisted if He be a God Their circumstance reverse But oh the mighty patience Of this God Who loves us all For if He then had yielded Salvations plan would fall And every child who trusted In that Lamb for centuries Would then be faced with no escape For which their hearts did plead But praise the Lord He loved us more Than His desire to live And kept His focus to the last Salvation free to give To every soul who bound in sin Would look upon that cross And see the glory God displayed In dying for the lost And then as from the grave He came To claim His victory He then might live in you and me For all the world to see The power of a transformed life Who does not stand alone But by His grace we walk in faith That He might here atone For every child of God that here Will claim the victory For which the Son of God did pay To save a soul like me Inspiration taken from Matthew 27:36-54
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 08:24:48 +0000

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