Now the tyrants and control-freaks of this world are trying to - TopicsExpress


Now the tyrants and control-freaks of this world are trying to burn down the internet, the greatest library ever, as there is soo much true knowledge of the universe and of mind on here for everyone to enjoy. So it is that not far off to think that the fascists of this world want to see it go. Their true motives are to deny us that knowledge, because it frees us. Anyone who supports SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, and bills like it are fascists, anyone who is against Net Neutrality is a fascist. Or they may just be stupid. No sane everyman wants more government and corporate control. We need to keep a tally of how many times our representatives screw up, and then vote them out. Inform neighbors and everyone else, we need a political non-violent revolution. They want to numb YouTube with Google+ (its a masquerading user filter) so we cant all exchange our opinions, world-views, and ideas as easily. This I think is on purpose. The same will soon happen to Facebook, watch. A watered down diluted user generated content medium designed to nullify our collective efforts, ambitions, and communications. So that we may more easily be culled and separated. The true sign of psychopathic ruler ship, when your words must be edited and culled until the dictator feels confident that its not a threat. Google is probably being strong-armed by the Feds, though it wouldnt surprise me if its actually owned by them. When you take all of what we have learned into consideration, that is the most logical reason given for what has taken place. This is purposeful, if they cant have Net Neutrality, PIPA, SOPA, and a bunch of other bills and measures destroyed or passed to get them closer to our mouths. Then they will try to mar our speech and potential through more indirect routes, if Google doesnt change its systems to correct this issue. Then you can be sure that this comment is true. YouTube is a dying platform for serious discussion, content, and most especially true free speech. There are many users running into road blocks where their comments are deleted or ghosted. Ghosted is where you see your comment post, but it doesnt actually post for the public. This is done to comments which have no swear words in them, and are most likely about sensitive topics designed not to emotionally harm particular users. Sensitive topics not to the average user, but to the powers that be. Religion, politics, corruption, and the list goes on. I wouldnt be surprised if this comment gets automatically ghosted or deleted after I post it. If you talk about this sort of stuff just be assured that their algorithms are shooting down your speech, purposely. Google is a private company and they can do whatever they want with their site, if we depend on them too much the system will kick it out from underneath us and try to swallow us. Visit other sites and spread your ideas and observations so youre not stopped from talking about them. The constitution was designed and written in such a way as to protect us from such people. Their power is limited and it frustrates them, so they take alternative measures.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 08:23:34 +0000

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