O (re)encontro do Barão de Münchhausen com o Rei da - TopicsExpress


O (re)encontro do Barão de Münchhausen com o Rei da Lua Your Majesty, what a great pleasure it is to see you again. May I introduce my friend Sally? Sally, King of the Moon. Well, his head at any rate. Im sorry, you must refer to me by my complete title... King of Everything... Re di Tutto, but you may call me Ray. The moon is a very insignificant part of my domain now. There is so much, much more. My old friend, you seem to be in some discomfort. What ails you? Nothing ails me. Can you not see that I am at one with the cosmos? I tell you that, and all you can say is, ah? What are you blind? Baron, let me explain it to you. Since you were last here, I, that is my head, that which is left of me... where the brilliant and important parts are located... is now ruling and governing the known universe. And that which I dont know, I create. I just created spring. But seriously, without me, there would be nothing. Not even you. I think, therefore you is. Your old friends a lunatic. So it would seem. Certainly fallen prey to delusions of grandeur. Being in tune with every molecule in the universe... requires a great deal of concentration. That is why having you on the loose, Baron, does not help. You see, your little stories are somewhat of a distraction to me. You are like a mosquito in the Taj Mahal. I must inform you, My Liege, without my adventures, you wouldnt be here. Well, so I am now part of your adventures. Well, we shall see about that, huh? Now, Baron. Who created who? I hope youll be very comfortable. Ciao. There goes my revolting body with the queen. Oh, stop it! Oh, Im tired! - Im exhausted! - Go away! Damn it. He cant hear me. Please, oh! Oh, you stinking horrible man! Oh, its so embarrassing. Please dont look. Maybe he will go away. It is hard to believe my body and I were ever attached. We are totally incompatible. He is dangling from the food chain, and I am in the stars. It is so unmetaphysical. No! No, go away! I despise you! Let me go! Im back! I got lips again, and Im going to use them, baby! Its me! Im your elephant of joy! - Give me bacio, baby! - Yes, but eat first, darling! Thats right. Youve got to mangia before bacio! You cant do that when you dont got no mouth! Diálogo entre o rei da lua (Robin Williams) com o Barão de Münchhausen (John Neville do Quinto Elemento). Desde que você partiu, eu, ou melhor, minha cabeça... onde ficam as partes melhores e mais importantes... estou governando todo o universo conhecido. Aquilo que não conheço eu crio. Estar sintonizado com cada molécula do universo... requer muita concentração. É o meu revoltante corpo com a rainha! É difícil crer que já estivemos unidos. Somos incompatíveis. Meu corpo vive nas cavernas; e eu, nas estrelas! Isso é tão antimetafísico. Terry Gilliam, ex-integrante do grupo cômico Monty Python produziu este filme teuto-britânico em 1988 que conta as histórias fantásticas do Barão de Münchhausen. No elenco Uma Thurman, Sting - baixista do The Police, Eric Idle (Monty Python), Oliver Reed (Gladiador véio), Jonathan Pryce (o pnc/fdp de 007, o amanhã nunca morre) e Sarah Polley (Madrugada dos Mortos). O Barão Münchhausen realmente existiu, foi um militar alemão que serviu pelo exército russo e participou de duas campanhas contra os turcos. Quando voltou para casa, contava histórias fantásticas e exageradas sobre suas aventuras. Indicado ao oscar em 1990 a melhor direção de arte, maquiagem, figurino e efeitos visuais. youtube/watch?v=NUs27nDc5NI
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 10:34:39 +0000

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