OH – MY – GOD! WE ALL KNEW THE ECONOMY WAS IN REAL BAD SHAPE… BUT ARE YOU READY FOR THESE NUMBERS? Lucky for liberals, their base is among the least informed people on the planet earth. Since our own media won’t report ANYTHING of substance, and that includes FOX, the only “information” the vast majority of liberals get is from “journalists” with about as much integrity as a used car salesman hopped up on speed while trying to get someone financed. It’s all about headlines and soundbites. No substance. I say they are the LEAST informed on the PLANET because if you read newspapers from other countries, THEY cover our DOMESTIC issues 10x better than our own media does. There’s a very good reason for that… and if you think about it for a bit, and you STILL can’t figure out why… email me and I’ll tell you. That means every other country is WELL aware of the DISASTER CIRCLING THE DRAIN that was once the “Shining City on the Hill.” Some of our alleged “allies” are just waiting like dogs for the scraps that will fall from the table when the United States ultimate implodes economically. It’s beyond treason what Obama has done. Thousands if not millions will die… whether it be in food riots or social breakdown. Is it 100% Obama’s fault? No, of course not. Our economic collapse will be the result of 30 years of bad decisions in Washington by BOTH parties… but Obama took us from driving down that road at 25mph to 350mph. Things are SO BAD, that several Presidential hopefuls and several media personalities have voiced their opinions that they fear we may not even have an election in 2016. They fear MARTIAL LAW. NOW, even a total moron should be able to figure out the numbers we get fed for unemployment are the biggest joke ever. Likewise for Inflation. We have roughly 300 million people in America, and 94 million are out of work. That is roughly 30%. If you ask Obama he’ll tell you 5.9%. UH, NO. THAT’S BECAUSE SO MANY STOPPED LOOKING! THEY ARE NOW ON WELFARE THAT YOU’RE PAYING IF YOURE WORKING! My other favorite is inflation. There is none if you ask the government. Anyone who does the food shopping for their family KNOWS that is TOTAL NONSENSE. I’m a single guy, so I never buy the same basket twice, so it would be hard for me to notice but for the price of dog food. The same bag of food that used to cost me under $10.00, is now almost $13.00… plus I talk to people that DO buy the same things week in and week out… and they confirmed prices are going WAY UP! NOW, TAKE A SEAT... IT GETS MUCH MUCH WORSE!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 17:14:37 +0000

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