OK, Fox News, brash OReilly, etc., though its worth a listen. I - TopicsExpress


OK, Fox News, brash OReilly, etc., though its worth a listen. I remember the long video of Panetta at the Armed Services Committee hearing early 2012 (if I have my facts right) sat next to Dempsey, the two of them fielding numerous questions from senators on Syria and noting how they agreed that a few US bombs dropped on some Assad tanks at that juncture would certainly have beneficial results - but of course no order was ever given to drop those few bombs. In this interview Panetta, now no longer in the top job he had then, acknowledges Obamas indecisiveness. But is it just indecisiveness? Is it not the fervent wish to bring American troops home, possibly at any cost, this new, neutral America a passionate ideal, overarching everything else? If so, does that mean he, Obama, is in fact a traitor, putting an ideal ahead of his countrys survival, even if that ideal is shared by many of his electors, who - it must be said - are not themselves required to make decisions, merely voice an opinion, and who maybe cannot be conscious of, or even interested in, where America stands in the survival stakes, as we speak? Is that opinion adequate to govern processes in high office? Does Obama perform a disservice to those electors by obeying their opinion and not overriding it with better judgement? These are questions Edmund Burke (whose phrases I have loosely quoted), if alive, would surely ask. There is something very worrying about to what Panetta is grudgingly admitting in this essentially rather unattractive interview. I find it worrying not least because Panettas responses bear out some of my own thoughts, which makes my own thinking seem coherent, when I am used to viewing it as the fancies of a raving lunatic, and was quite content with that. A quiet life is after all very precious. Under I am posting a long letter I wrote to the Spectator of late, of course not published. Bits of it knit in with bits of Panettas confessions to Fox News. I am not enjoying writing this. https://youtube/watch?v=0sVbqlOaiTM
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 00:39:39 +0000

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