OK I have to start a new thread here. Looking at all the comments - TopicsExpress


OK I have to start a new thread here. Looking at all the comments and emotion my posting regarding the diving outside the cages at Guadalupe has caused Ive realized a couple of things. Aside from some people just starting to blindly attack others, I think I found the root of the problem. Christian Kemper in defending the divers in the pictures has actually nailed the reason they are doing it. Here is what he said in his comment. I didnt know that out-of-cage is illegal in Guadalupe until I got on the boat! But hey, were in Mexico, anything goes Exactly what we were complaining about. The attitude that its only Mexico, who cares about their stupid laws! and yes, 80% of the people on board wanted to do out-of-cage and did! Again, thats what we are talking about. Operators disregarding the laws and letting their divers go outside the cage. Thanks for confirming that it was not only professionals Regarding the photos from Jean-Marie Ghislain: What are you angry about? After all HE just took the photos! Thats his job. He just illegally went outside the cage to film another diver who illegally went outside the cage. So why would we blame him? Duh, I dont know! Honestly officer, Im a thief, I was just doing my job. You cant blame me! Besides, I blamed him for lying about it and all the divers for being outside the cage. And if you ask me, the photos are stunning! He didnt touch or ride the shark. If you want to be mad at someone, blame the diver, not the photgrapher. I guess you have me there. Since the photos are stunning in your opinion, everything is justified to get them. And theres the jab at me (us?) May be you are just jealous that you cant supply your customers with photos like that? May be your customers think your trips are boring? With this statement Christian hit the nail on the head. Those divers are not interested in the sharks. For them its about excitement, an adrenaline kick. For them , having a 16 ft GWS swim inches away from you, looking you straight into the eyes, while you are safely in a cage.... boring! Fortunately our customers dont think like you and we have some come back year after year. Our divers pay a premium to come on the science expedition with Nicole, interested in the research and getting to know the sharks. And then Christian tries to make nice To make one thing clear: I dont want to insult anybody or play whos better. Im sure, Martin, youre doing a great job with your company. Oh thanks, of course you didnt want to insult anyone or play whos better! How could anyone think that May be you are just jealous that you cant supply your customers with photos like that? May be your customers think your trips are boring? would imply that? Christian Kemper, I dont want to single you out. But your statements just so perfectly reflects why the situation at Guadalupe is the way it is. First defend what they are doing and then attack and ridicule those who dont. My goal is not to vilify individuals but to try to show what is going at Guadalupe. Right now Im working on a blog that has to do with Jean Marie, that you might find surprising. Here it is. sharkdivers.blogspot/2014/03/is-everything-what-it-seems.html
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:45:27 +0000

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