OLIVER is a Golden boy whos got a sweet nature and easy manner. He - TopicsExpress


OLIVER is a Golden boy whos got a sweet nature and easy manner. He was found in the CYPRESS HILLS area of Queens, and up til now has had to fight for his life out on the cold mean streets. That has left Sweet OLIVER with the FIV+ virus, which makes it harder to place this fella. OLIVER needs to have his teeth seen to, but hes otherwise not in bad shape-hes got a few old war wounds but they are healed up and with time will vanish away. OLIVER is a diamond in the rough. Hes one of those big headed boy cats with a sweet and gentle way about him-hes a lover, not a fighter, and aside from the sniffles would do well in a home as a foster or being adopted! OLIVER wont get that at ACC-hes NEW HOPE so hell need a NEW HOPE partner rescue to pull him. While some people are afraid of the mention of FIV+, many people (including this writer) have mixed FIV+/ FIV- cat households, and with the right introductions OLIVER would do fine with other cats-once hes over his cold. Without rescue, OLIVER will be killed tomorrow-and that isnt fair for such a gentle guy. Please give OLIVER a chance-get him off death row by partnering with a rescue to foster or adopt him! SAVE OLIVER TODAY!!! He doesnt have another night to spare! TO BE DESTROYED 11/3/14 FIV+ Brooklyn Center My name is OLIVER. My Animal ID # is A1019143.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 01:26:50 +0000

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