ON THIS DAY 150 Years Ago - Friday, October 14, 1864 Resaca, - TopicsExpress


ON THIS DAY 150 Years Ago - Friday, October 14, 1864 Resaca, Georgia Hood has attacked Dalton and is destroying the road moving north. I will force Snake Creek Gap and cut his line of retreat. SPECIAL FIELD ORDERS, HDQRS. MIL. DIV. OF THE MISS., Numbers 91. In the Field, Resaca, Ga., October 14, 1864. The first movement will be to force the Snake Creek Gap. I. General Howard will bring up all the men of this command he can get at 7 a. m. tomorrow, and move direct on Snake Creek Gap, approaching carefully and holding his column ready to pass through when relieved by General Stanley’s movement. II. General Stanley will cross over to the hills about two miles north of the gap, somewhere south of Tilton, and with infantry reach the summit, and if possible find a way across into the valley beyond toward Villanow. III. General Cox will come up and follow General Howard. IV. All trains will remain, until further orders, near Resaca, parked, ready to follow by Dalton or Snake Creek Gap, as the orders may be. V. General McCook will send all the cavalry he can raise boldly to the Buzzard Roost Pass to threaten the enemy in that quarter, and to give General Stanley notice of any force in that vicinity. As soon as General Garrand comes up he will be dispatched in the same direction. VI. The general commanding will attend General Howard to the forks of the road about two miles this side of Snake Creek Gap, where couriers or staff officers can find him for orders. By order of Major General W. T. Sherman: L. M. DAYTON, Aide-de-Camp. Howard Reports: Just received dispatch from Dalton. Cavalry dashed in there and captured 10 prisoners. Stewart’s corps one mile and a half from there. Hood has divided his forces, one-half going toward the tunnel, tearing up the road; the other going toward Dug Gap. I am here collecting my troops. Stanley has passed toward Tilton. Reconnaissance of infantry and cavalry has gone to Snake Creek Gap. Report from reconnaissance to Snake Creek Gap, just received, states that a force of the enemy holds the gap. A prisoner says it is Lee’s corps, and that there are twenty-eight pieces of artillery in position. HDQRS. MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, In the Field, Resaca, October 14, 1864: 6 p.m. General SLOCUM, Atlanta: Your telegram giving information about return of forage train received. Beyond a doubt the enemy’s whole force is here. Repeat the expeditions for forage and accumulate all you can. General Kilpatrick will patrol and cover the road from Chattahoochee River to Kingston via Dallas, &c., and he will keep you fully advised of everything in his vicinity. L. M. DAYTON, Aide-de-Camp. General OSTERHAUS, Calhoun: Send word to General Cox if all is quiet on the road in the morning to pass the trains and teams to Resaca. You may march in by 7 a.m. without waiting, unless you have reason to believe our trains are threatened. W. T. SHERMAN, Major-General, Commanding. HDQRS. MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, In the Field, Resaca, Ga., October 14, 1864. General John E. SMITH, Cartersville: No danger to Resaca, but enemy went north on railroad and are destroying it toward Chattanooga, but don’t know how far. Have passed Dalton toward Tunnel Hill, capturing garrison, and are also in Dug and Snake Creek Gaps. Hood’s whole army is on the move. Will advise you more fully as we get information. L. M. DAYTON, Aide-de-Camp HDQRS. MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, In the Field, Resaca, Ga., October 14, 1864. Colonel DEAN, Kingston: Yours to Colonel Ewing received. Enemy have left here and are moving north on the railroad, and are also in Snake Creek Gap. Cavalry have pursued them beyond Dalton. It is Hood’s whole army. L. M. DAYTON, Aide-de-Camp HDQRS. MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, In the Field, Resaca, Ga., October 14, 1864. General CORSE: Leave enough men to hold the bridges and the important forts, and with the balance, about 2,500 men, and a section of guns, move out tomorrow on the Summerville road about eight miles. Stay till night and return to Rome. We will force the Snake Creek Pass. W. T. SHERMAN, Major-General SCHOFIELD Writes From CHATTANOOGA: I went to Dalton yesterday, but could get no farther, and found the enemy advancing on that place. I returned to Cleveland, bringing the trains and public property. General Thomas then ordered me to concentrate at Chattanooga the troops of Cleveland, Ringgold, and intermediate posts, and take command here. I am now acting under his orders. It is reported that Dalton was captured yesterday, but I doubt the truth of the report. The enemy does not appear to be advancing on this place. I will push out tomorrow and try to develop his strength and movements. There are now troops enough here to make the place secure, and more are expected tonight. I forward dispatches from General Grant.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 09:29:59 +0000

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