ONLY IN NIGERIA I find it very interesting that one of the demands - TopicsExpress


ONLY IN NIGERIA I find it very interesting that one of the demands of the seven governors who broke away to form the new PDP is that they its members should not be investigated or prosecuted by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, or the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission, ICPC. This demand for immunity from criminal prosecution is condemnable. Their main reason for heating up the polity is that no one should attempt to probe their activities while in office and this is unacceptable. The argument that the probe is intended to witch-hunt them cannot hold water because while the ICPC and EFCC may press charges, it is only the courts that can convict and a convicted person has the right of appeal up to the Supreme Court. Speaking recently at the inaugural Tunji Braithwaite Birthday Symposium in Lagos of Friday, Mr Femi Falana, said ”the New PDP is a fraud because one of the major demands of the group is that their corrupt members must not be investigated or prosecuted by the EFCC or ICPC.” Mr. Falana, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, SAN, alleged that a member of the splinter PDP, who is also a former governor, was being prosecuted for defaulting on a N12 billion loan and discharged by a court with a fine of N2 billion. According to him, the former governor ”is now claiming that the EFCC is again after him because he is a member of the New PDP, when he went away with N10billion.” ”This is very wrong and all members of the new PDP must be prosecuted no matter what and the media must stop celebrating these people” the fiery lawyer said. He urged the media not celebrate those not addressing the challenges of the country. Well meaning Nigerians must in unison, condemn the action of these seven governors and demand that ICPC and EFCC should be allowed to do the job for which they were established to do. I totally agree with Mr. Femi Falana, SAN that all the media must stop celebrating these people. It is only in Nigeria that one loot public funds and demand not to be probed or brought to book by politically holding the country to ransom.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 08:29:36 +0000

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