OPEN UP YOUR MINDS PEOPLE. DONT BE SHEEP AND FOLLOW THE SHEPHERD... THINK PEOPLE THINK......I wonder....????? Why dont people get this? I learned last year about the Cabal and The Illuminati. Its so simple. Obama didnt cause this mess. Have you heard of the Illuninati! They are in charge of the worlds monetary systems and of the so called wars we get ourselves into. Research. It isnt one man and he is not from here anyway. Matthew: The soul that embodied as Barack Obama inherited seriously unsettling national and global situations that never would have come about if those souls had adhered to their agreements. But they didn’t. Consequently, he stepped into the presidency at the p...See More Reincarnation and karma, connection with extraterrestrials and spirituality - The Matthew Books matthewbooks Channeled informantion on reincarnation, karma, extraterrestrials, spirituality & metaphysics from Matthew Ward through his mother Suzanne. Gail Levenstiem Yes, but OBAMA is signing off on GMOs that will eventually kill us! I have studied nutrition for 30yrs, and unfortunately, I work in RETAIL and I see this everyday!!! If he didnt cause this mess, he is stirring up another one, you can bet on that! Yvonne Epiphany Did you read who Obama is??? He is not from here and The Illuminati are in control of the whole world. Change presidents you will still have the same problems until we rid the world of The Illuminati. Yvonne Epiphany He is a puppet on a string. Reserch Illuminati and Cabal. and then talk. Dean Campbell The illuminati isnt the answer either. It is called corporate greed (banks, FDA, big pharma and many others) they run the world, they control wealth and poverty. Wanna blame someone? Blame the ones who tell YOU what to do. Nobody in power gives a damn about you, they only care about their pay checks and who they can steal money off. Gail Levenstiem Oh yeah, hes a puppet, alright...They ALL are! You are so right, Dean!!!! They dont give a damn about any of us!!!! It IS all about CORPORATE GREED!!!! Yvonne Epiphany Who are the Coorporates???? The Illuminati. The Cabal. They will soon come down. Dean Campbell No illuminati, just a bunch of assholes in suits a few seconds ago via mobile · Like Yvonne Epiphany: Ass holes in suits are the Cabal and the Illuminati. You dont get it I give up. Do your research.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 08:36:01 +0000

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