OPERATION GET ALHAJI MOHAMMED AMINU ADAM A.K.A ABIO,RETAINED.Youth Organizership is not just a matter of reading n writing. Its not a matter of seeking media sympathy, neither is it a matter of castigating the executives on Facebook. Below are the qualities of a good youth leader for your perusal which Hon Mohammed Aminu Adam possessed: GROWING EDGE – First and foremost, there needs to be a hunger for personal and spiritual growth. We cannot lead where we have not been. Look for someone who will be a positive spiritual role model for teens to look up to,follow, and imitate. POSITIVE ATTITUDE – The ability to work with and see people and situations in a constructive way. Nothing destroys a team’s momentum than someone who is usually negative. SERVANTHOOD – The willingness to sacrifice time and energy for others without needing anyone to notice. TEAM PLAYER – The mind-set of looking out for others and lifting others up. FOLLOW THROUGH – A commitment to be responsible and to fulfill any specific ministries or jobs taken. INTEGRITY – Trustworthiness and solid character; consistency in words and walk are key. DISCIPLINE – The willingness to do what is required regardless of personal mood. Someone who understands that youth. RELATIONAL – The ability to make others feel comfortable. Every youth counts and needs to be known, greeted, and cared for. SENSE OF HUMOUR – Ability to laugh at yourself, try new things and have a good time learning from your mistakes. PATIENCE – Someone who is patient with himself/herself and with others and doesn’t stress when the learning curve is high. Look for someone who is willing to learn. They also be patient with others, remembering that everyone is at a different place. Youth leaders need to reach out and love people where they’re at. Feeling comfortable and connecting with youth takes time – going to camps, retreats and special events will help intensify and solidify your relationships with youth. TEACHABLE SPIRIT – The ability to be humble,open to loving criticism and able to learn from others. These are but few qualities of a youth leader. This is the time to hit the grounds. The man with the big heart.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 12:10:05 +0000

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