OPINION: MODIBO KAWUS CONSISTENT ATTACK ON @BUKOLASARAKI - ALI GEGELE The media has been highly instrumental to the developing change in Nigeria’s political structure; however, as some media platforms stand on the positive side of the change train, others are on the opposite side debarring progress. I am reader, a lover of published dailies ranging from national to international dailies; because reading dailies can be highly fascinating in the sense that they create avenue for people’s opinion to be expressed on various issues. As a lover of dailies like several other people, it is easy to notice emerging trends, development and missing issues. In recent months, I have noticed the emergence of a critic under the name Moddibo Kawu a columnist whose articles are published on Vanguard. Kawu has invested much energy in examining issues in Kwara particularly from the opposite side. Kawu claims to be a Kwaran, I am also a Kwaran; and for the purpose of educating the masses, It is important to educate Kawu and his fellow Kawus to put an enlightening touch on their ignorance. The fact that Kawu is getting his facts wrong is apparent; while he was appraising Sulieman as the first minister appointed without Sarakis consent in 15 years, he forgot ministers appointed in Kwara during the course of this 15 years without Bukola Sarakis influence. For example, in 1999 Mrs Ndalolo (presented by former COS to president Obasanjo). As at this time, Bukola Saraki was not even in PDP. Now down to Funke Adedoyin presented by Vice President Atiku. Go and check Kwaras history, none of them was presented by Bukola Saraki. Thus associating such to him is simply misinformation and a bid to tarnish his image painting him as a dictator over Kwarans. I am disappointed that in spite of Kwara PDP’s cry for “freedom”, they could not organize themselves to present a candidate as minister from Kwara until the Presidency imposed one Suleiman on them, but unfortunately, the blindfolded followers are interpreting that as freedom singing that “Suleiman is the first minister chosen without Saraki’s consent since 15years”. Furthermore, Kawu in his article “Ilorin the accumulated ROT and consequences” published in Vanguard; a well read paper that has ridiculed itself to a platform for mediocre to play on. He lamented that the state leaders left the state for Umrah condemning the gesture. It is interesting to note that, several political leaders across the nation and beyond go to umrah annually. Why is that of Kwara a case among others? Meanwhile, while the state leaders were away in Umrah, what ill was recorded in the state? Were salaries stopped? Were projects stopped? Was the state not working because of few days visit to Umrah? While the governor was on Lesser Hajj, the Deputy Governor Elder Kashira was in control of affairs of the state as stipulated by the constitution. I think we should grow beyond cheap criticism designed to draw attention to our person and invest our time in serious activities that can help our society move forward. If Kawu was up to date as at the time he wrote the article, I have a strong feeling he would not have addressed some issues the way he did. Naming Kwara and underdeveloped state is simply a canard inference. Ilorin has been declared on of the fastest growing economy in Nigeria and the expansion is evident, if the state is not working, the economy of the state will not be working, and the economy is not working, there will not expansion. CBN records places Kwara as second least on the unemployment rate, a milestone not recorded by Niger Delta states with fat oil alllocations. It is important to note that, Kwara’s success as said by a writer is not based on allocation but on efficient management of resources. If Kwara depended on dwindling federal allocation, no doubt, progress will not be possible in the state. Reflecting on the state of education in Kwara, Kwara’s educational standard is commendable among other states. It is simply false claim that public schools in Kwara are not in good condition. Aside giant strides of senator Bukola Saraki while he was governor; the governor Ahmed administration has renovated blocks of classroom in various schools across the state while new ones are built. These are physical project, not hidden. Teacher education and retraining has been a continous excersice. Kwara state government is focus driven- every step taken by the government is a promise fulfilled. The leadership cannot be compared with failed government of PDP at the federal height that has relegated Nigeria’s plight to a fifth world nation if there’s something like that. No doubt, Kwara is still in the making, and the change in the state since 2003 is clear and evident. Prior to 2003, such developments were not witnessed in Kwara. The coming of Senator Saraki ushered in various developmental strides in Kwara such as the agricultural development, Kwara State University, International Aviation college in the area of education, renovation and building of classrooms, employment generation including KWABES, Quickwin among others. I think Vanguard is running out of publication materials which explains why they keep publishing denting articles from Kawu about Bukola Saraki. It is unfortunate that a national dailies with a promising perspective about issues has suddenly diminished to a mere platform to attack one of 109 senators in Nigeria. I urge the paper’s editor to be proactive and innovative on generating contents in other to improve his dailies, because with people like Kawu, who was sacked in Daily Trust, of course as a failed journalist, if he remains in Vanguard, he will in no time relegate the image the dailies has built over the decades with his subjective journalism, I have researched thoroughly on other columnists in various dailies, Kawu remains the only columnist who writes about one person ( Bukola Saraki) without researching into others or issues. Its obvious that Kawu in his dreams maybe seeing a movement towards any change but those of us that live in Kwara unlike him that pop in and out, the people of Kwara have pitched with Bukola Saraki for the simple reason that all like him are not sincere but only bitter because people like Kawu didnt get what they requested from Saraki not for any love of the people. When Kawu was sacked in Daily Trust, he dubiously sort after Senator Saraki to get fund to start a printing press, but because he couldnt get it he resulted into attack in prints. If Kawu cared about the people of Kwara as he claims, he should use his column to raise issues that will help Kwarans in general; for example the level of unemployment and what Federal Government can do to help? Poor budget allocation to Kwara state; the cargo terminal abandoned by the Federal Government? The lack of power transimission projects particularly in Kwara North? Non completion of the rice mill project by Federal Ministry of Agric in Patigi; the Kaiama Federal road, the Omu-Aran to Kabba federal road to mention a few. But instead of investing time into this, he is busy insulting Bukola Saraki or is Bukola Saraki the one stopping those key projects from happening? Kawu! Think before you write, dont write before you think.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 06:45:20 +0000

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