OUR DAILY PRAYER LIST. Volume Two NEW PRAYER REQUESTS ARE LISTED FROM THE TOP... Please keep each of these individuals and their families in your daily prayers! If you would like to be added to this daily list to be posted along with our Daily Prayer Lists! Christy and everyone in her family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, mercy and grace. Christy is having a bad allergic reaction to an antibiotic that she recently took and she need your loving prayers! Dawns six year old nephew who has diabetes and their family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, guidance, mercy and grace. Our little brother in Christ has diabetes and he need your loving prayers each and every day! Regina, her son Patrick and everyone in the precious family... Blessings, healing, protection, strength, guidance, mercy and grace. Patrick recently with the rush to UAB after having a tube come out. He is doing well at this time but he and his family continue to need your loving prayers each and every day! Please remember all of those affected by the avalanche in Nepal, including the rescuers, their families and the families of those lost and those who perished... Blessings, protection, strength, guidance, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Please pray asking God to meet the needs of all of those affected by this horrible avalanche each and every day! Evangelist Shamin, her family and her ministry... Blessings, guidance, direction, financial blessings, peace, mercy and grace. Please remember my dear sister in Christ, the orphans that she cares for and her ministry in your thoughts and prayers! My friend, her patient, her patients mom and the daughters... Blessings, peace, guidance, direction, healing, mercy and grace. Please join me in praying about this situation in which these two young daughters are being mistreated by their grandmother. Helen, her father and everyone and their family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Please keep Helen and her father in your daily prayers as he is in the hospital where they are trying to draw fluid from his body and reduce his edema. Christy and everyone in her family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Christy has a very bad case of strep and shes been in the hospital but she is home now. She continues to have painful headaches and muscles and she need your loving prayers! Allison, her family and Woodbury Baptist Church... Blessings, guidance, direction, peace, mercy and grace. Please remember our dear sister in Christ Allison if she begins her new job as interim secretary for this church. Please pray asking God to use her in a mighty way! Sanets daughter, Carla and everyone in their family.... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Carla has a bad thyroid that she is having tested and she need your loving prayers! Please pray that our Heavenly Father will stop the spread of Ebola and other dangerous communicable diseases all across the world! Mary, everyone in her family and everyone else who is in the path of bad weather... Blessings, protection, peace, strength, mercy and grace. Please remember Mary, her family and every other family and all of their animals and pets who are in the path of bad storms are weather in your thoughts and prayers! Brendas friends son, his mom everyone and their family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Please keep this mothers son in your prayers! He recently found out that he has a large mass on his kidneys! Beth and her family... Blessings, protection, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Beth and her little dog are in need of a place to stay in a shelter and they need your loving prayers! Arlenes little dog, Reuben, her husband Paul and everyone in their family.... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Her 7-year-old little Pomeranian, Reuben is having seizures and her husband, Paul has a very bad cold. Please keep them in your daily prayers! Nancys cousin, Lynn and everyone in their family... Blessings, healing, comfort, strength, peace, mercy and grace. Lynn has pancreatic cancer and has been given only three to six months to live. Please pray for Lynn and everyone in her precious family each and every day! Nancys cousin, Danny and everyone in his family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Danny has blood in his urine and the doctors are testing him to see whether or not it is cancerous. Please keep Danny in your thoughts and prayers! Amandas mother, Cindy and everyone in their family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Cindy had a very severe stroke 2 weeks ago and she remains hospitalized. Please pray for Cindy and everyone in this precious family in your daily prayers! Annettes friends, the family of Joe Benghazi Adkins and especially MichelLe Watson Adkins & her family and well their friends... Blessings, comfort, peace, strength, mercy and grace. Annettes dear friend, Joe recently went home to be with our Father in Heaven and everyone in these precious families and all of their friends need your loving prayers! Merna and her family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, guidance, mercy and grace. Please remember my dear sister in Christ and her family in your daily prayers. Ruth and her family... Blessings, healing, strength, guidance, mercy and grace. Please remember my dear sister in Christ, Ruth and everyone in her precious family in your daily prayers! Annettes friend & coworker, his wife and their family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Please remember our dear brother in Christ as he enters hospice care and say a special prayer for his wife and family! Sandys daughter, Michell and her family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Please remember Sandys daughter, Michell and her family in your thoughts and prayers. She is sick and she need your loving prayers! Sherrys grandson, Ayden and family.. Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Ayden is being tested for juvenile diabetes and he and his family need your loving prayers. Kathys friends who recently lost a very young daughter... Blessings, comfort, peace, strength, mercy and grace. Please remember this family who lost a very young daughter as they grieve for their loss. Nancys friend and his family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, support, mercy and grace. Please keep my dear brother in Christ who is in the hospital in your daily prayers praying that he gets to go home very soon! Nancys friends, a very young couple who is having a handicapped child... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Please pray that God allows this precious little girl to be born if it be according to His Will and that this family, not only survives, but is blessed in a mighty way! Elaine and her family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Elaine is very depressed and distraught and she need your loving prayers. Nabeel, his family and his Sunday school class.... Blessings, strength, guidance, financial support, mercy and grace. Please remember Nabeel and his Sunday school class in your daily prayers! Farah, her family and her ministry.... Blessings, guidance, financial support, strength, direction, mercy and grace. Please remember my dear sister in Christ Farah, her family and her ministry in your thoughts and daily prayers! Davids sister in law, Cindy & family... Healing, blessings, strength, comfort, peace. She is having surgery very soon for breast cancer and she and her family need your loving prayers! Tammys sister, Brenda and everyone in her family.... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, protection. Brenda will be going very soon to Emory Hospital to have cancer surgery her mouth. Please pray for her as she has this surgery and as she goes through her rehabilitation. Jennifers mom & family... Healing, blessings,strength, comfort. Jennifers mom is in the hospital and not feeling well. Arisbe and children... Blessings, strength, guidance & peace. Help her to move on in her life and find Gods Will and peace in her life. Trishs coworker & his family... Healing, blessings, comfort, strength. He has missed work for two weeks and he is in the hospital with intestinal issues. Deborah and her family... Blessings, peace, comfort, strength and peace. She just recently lost both her twin brother in the past five months! Colette and family... Blessings, strength, healings. They need a financial breakthrough in their lives. Spencer Scott.... Strength, blessings, comfort, guidance and peace. His ex girlfriend married someone else and his heart is broken. He needs your prayers for God to bring someone very special unto his life. He has turned against God in his life and is blaming God for his problems and is causing heartache between him and his friend Pinky... Laura G and family.... Her mom and brother are both in hospital. No one in her family is saved! Her mom is involved in the occult. Her daughter, Jessica, 14 yes old needs salvation too! Pinky and family... She found a lump on her left breast. She needs healing, blessings, peace, comfort and strength. Casey Coxs father is in hospital, 79 yes old, has cancer and is having his lung removed on June 11. Please pray for Casey, her dad and everyone in their family! She lost her mom this year! Blessings, healings, peace and salvation! Casey and her dad are both not saved... AWESOME UPDATE.... Casey has accepted Jesus Christ as her Personal Lord and Savior and was baptized! Michael Schumacher and family... Healing, blessings, comfort, strength and peace. He is coming out of a coma after a bad skiing accident six months ago. May God bless you and your family as you pray for everyone who needs prayer today! Jason... Blessings, comfort, strength, guidance and peace. He needs God to help him find a job and draw him closer to Him. Courtneys dad & family.... Healing, blessing, comfort, strength and peace. He is very ill and he needs your loving prayers. Please pray for the lost and the unsaved all around the world! Pray that God touches the minds, the hearts and the souls of all who need Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior. Joey & his family... Recently got back home from Emory Hospital where he was awaiting a permanent heart transplant. He received a mechanical heart in April but awaits a permanent donor heart as soon as one becomes available. please pray very hard for Joey! Praise God he go to come home!!!!! Adam, his mom, Jeannie & family...serious ill with unknown autoimmune disease that has him in stable condition at this time. He finally got to come home! Praise the Lord!!! Please keep praying! Rex & family... He lost his wife a year ago and he is having a very hard time getting over it. Bryan & his family... Had aneurysm that burst , three strokes, open heart surgery and was in a medically induced coma for awhile. Healing, comfort, peace. Tina & her family... Has breast and bone cancer. Recently got great report about cancer but needs complete healing. Comfort, strength, healing and peace. She is recently doing awesome and well have a PET scan done on the 24th of September to check her bone cancer. Please pray that everything comes out awesome! Linda & family... Has pancreatic cancer and recently begun chemotherapy. Needs healing, comfort and strength. Kumar and ministry... Needs Lords provisions for ministry, financial and spiritual blessings. Please pray for Kumar in his ministry as he comes to the United States of America asking God to help him establish his ministry in this country and use him and his ministry for your glory in Jesus Name. Amen Yossi, daughter and grandson, Dylano... Needs prayer for courts to reunite family fully! Ashley & family... Had lung, kidney & heart failure for unknown reason. Was in medically induced coma. She (28 yrs old) has three very young children. G & Ss marriage... Needs prayer for reconciliation and rededication of marriage. Ricci & family... Needs Lords favor on having probate court case resolved and reunification of her children and her relationship. Healing, stress, guidance & peace. Donna, her daughter with serious heart condition, a cyst on her heart and congenital heart failure, financial needs and her niece who is estranged from her mother... Healing, comfort, peace, mercy, financial help, grace and reunification of relationships. Please continue praying for my dear sister in Christ, Donna, her daughter, her niece and her nieces mother and everyone in their precious family! Sanet and her children... Help and guidance in her life as she prepares to make major changes in her life with moving and new job. Blessing her children and their relationship. Please remember her mother and father in your thoughts and prayers as she has left her home and is moving away from them. This is causing her and her parents a great deal of sadness! She is in the process of getting her new drivers license in her new home country and there is a waiting period before she will be able to drive. Please pray that this issue can be overcome and she can drive ASAP. Cheryl Anne & family... Healing, blessings, strength, guidance, peace, mercy and grace. Cheryl Anne has been suffering with heart issues for a very long time and she was recently turned down for her heart surgery. She is very downcast and depressed and she need your loving prayers. Allison and children... Prayers for blessings, lifting up and guidance & protection. They will be moving this weekend and they need your loving prayers for our Lords safe travel blessings and grace! Please continue praying for them each and every day as they begin a new chapter in their lives! May God bless Allison and her precious children always! Susan, her friend with cancer & both their families... Blessings, healing and guidance. Debbie D & family... Blessings, guidance and protection. Please remember my precious sister in Christ, Debbie and her children in your daily Barbara, husband & family... Blessings, guidance, healings, comfort mercy and grace. Blessing her marriage and drawing her grown children back closer into her life. Barbara has a very bad urine infection. David & family... He (teenager) is fighting cancer, Osteosarcoma, has begun chemotherapy, needs prayers for healing, strength and comfort for him and his family. Dawn, husband, children & family... Husband had cancer, guidance, blessings, strength, financial, answers to important questions in their lives. Evangelist Taizul & mimistry... Financial and spiritual blessings, guidance and protection for ministry and all the orphan children he ministers to daily. Sandy & her husband... He has throat and lung cancer. Needs strength, healing, comfort for both. He had surgery for brain cancer recently but cancer remains embedded in his brain. He has finished his chemotherapy but has been having trouble and continues to need your love and prayers. ! Please pray very hard.... Connie & her family.... Blessings, healing, strength, direction, mercy and grace. She needs healing for a knee replacement that is needed, needs to lose 40 lbs so she can have this surgery, needs healing for high blood sugar levels. Blessings, strength, comfort & guidance. She also has neck and back pain that has continued to hurt her for a very long time. Please remember Connie and her family in your daily prayers. She has been extremely depressed and truly need your loving prayers. Charlene & family.... Healing for leukemia, diabetes and she has has four heart attacks. Prayers for strength, healing and comfort for her as she has chemo. She has a daughter & five grand kids. Lydia & family.... Needs healing for depression and anxiety, comforting her heart & soul, lifting her up, granting her His Precious Peace that surpasses all understanding. Praise the Lord! Her new meds are helping! Please continue to pray for her daily! She continues to feel anxiety and does not feel comfortable around crowds. Please continue to pray for her! Lydias son & his family.... Blessings, guidance, protection... He needs prayer for a job that God has just for him and his family! Margie, her husband, Ed & everyone in their family... Financial blessings, healing for her husband, Ed for his Parkinsons and guidance in finding a job for her, strength, comfort and peace. Help with getting their heating and air conditioning fixed and helping with her depression & anxiety. Cleo, husband, Tom & family.... Healing for husband, blessings, financial breakthrough, comfort, peace and strength. He has lung cancer and desperately needs your loving prayers! He will be getting chemotherapy starting in October and if it does not work they will remove his lung. Connies daughters friends family & friends who are grieving the passing of a 17 year old girl who died in an automobile accident. Comfort, lift up, strength and peace. Melissa & her daughter, Ashley... Both need healing, comfort, strength, peace. Melissa has severe depression, eating/weight disorder, chronic insomnia and restless leg syndrome & Ashley, her daughter, has uterine cancer, needs reconciliation with her two children & she went into rehab recently. Please pray for Israel each and everyday! Pray for protection, blessings, peace and for everyone to come to know Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior! God bless Israel and everyone who calls her home all over this world. Yossi...blessings, healing, strength, direction and uplifting. She has PTSD, low self esteem and is depressed. She needs Gods direction and uplifting in her & her families lives. Charlene & family.... Healing, strength, comfort. She may have pneumonia. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Kevin & his family.... Hes going thru some trying times in his life, suicidal and needs Gods blessings, peace, strength, direction and guidance. Trisha and her family... she isnt saved, needs Gods salvation, guidance, blessings and direction in her life. Eileen & family... She needs healing, comfort, strength in her life. Eileen has seizures that have caused her significant problems in her life. She continues to have surgeries but was recently told that she did qualify for brain surgery that is tentatively scheduled for the 4th of February...Pray for God to bless doctors & nurses as they care for her and keep her mother, Barbara in your prayers as she will take care of her for two weeks following her surgery. Emily... She needs Gods blessings, strength, comfort, help in finding the job that He has just for her & for God to being someone very special into her life to love. Amy, her son & his wife & Aunt Polly... Gods blessings, guidance, healing. Amy needs God to bring her someone special, a man of God into her life and Aunt Polly is in nursing home needs healing, comfort and strength. Her son & his wife needs Gods love, protection and guidance. Angelias brother and will be having a baby this coming December. Please keep this baby and them in your thoughts and prayers. Debi... Healing, strength, comfort, peace. She has been Ill a long time with many medical issues, been denied SSDI three times and has no transportation. Ray... Had hip replacement surgery on May 13th. He needs healing, strength, comfort and prayers as he begins his rehabilitation praising God for a complete recovery. J. Joy... Healing. Strength, needs a miracle in her life. She has very bad back pain and she needs Gods precious Healing Touch. Rachel, her precious mom & everyone in her family... Her mom needs healing, strength, comfort and peace in her life. Rachels mom just found out she has liver cancer. Rachel and her family needs your loving prayers as well. Cheryl Annes father & their family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace... Has had cancer and fear it may be returning. Karen and her children... Needs financial breakthrough, healing, blessings, strength, comfort, needs a car and for God to bring a Man of God into her life. Pinky and her husband... She needs a miracle healing, blessings, guidance, peace and for God to help them to find a new safer place to live. Kathy & family... Needs blessings, healing for bad back, comfort strength. She has so very much bad pain with her chronic back problems. She will have a pain interfering device implanted in her body with electrodes attached to her spine that will interfere with her pain signals. Please pray that this works so that she can stop having pain! Please continue praying for her and her back! Chris, his fiancé & families... Healing, strength, comfort, lift them up, peace. He had tragic diving accident and is paralyzed from chest down. Pegie & children... Blessings, guidance, strength, knowledge and help in giving strength and support to her friend who had tragic diving accident. The families of Kimmie & Kensell, students, teachers and faculty at Temple High School.... Comfort, strength, mercy, grace and peace over the passing of two young high school students at this high school within three weeks. Priscilla and family... Healing, strength, blessings, comfort. Annette & family..... Healings, comfort, strength, help in finding a new job. Deborah.... Blessings, healing, comfort, guidance, strength. She has a bad infection in her jawbone and recently underwent surgery. She cannot take antibiotics! Lupe Romero-De La Cruz & family.... She needs healing for cancer, she is on chemo and is very sick. Blessings, healing strength, comfort, guidance and peace. Jacob and his Child Feeding Ministry... Guidance, blessings, financial support, strength. Patrick, his family and his ministry... Blessings, love, mercy & grace, financial assistance, guidance and direction for his ministry. May God bless, help and guide his ministry in all they do Him! Mr Roy Kinney & family..... Broke his hip recently & had surgery. Blessings, healings, comfort & protection. He is doing well in rehab! Matt & his family... Blessings, strength, mercy, grace. Jeni & family...blessings, healing, strength protection. Having a lung CAT scan on her lungs & she needs your loving prayers. Joseph, his family & the family of the young woman who died in a tragic accident.... Blessings, peace, comfort, forgiveness, strength, guidance. Lori & her boys.... Comfort, strength, peace. Their son was killed in a tragic hit & run accident. Betty Neal... Comfort, grace, blessings, mercy & peace. Her husband went home to be with the Lord and she is missing him mightily! Mary Beltrano.... Blessings, healing, comfort strength. She has a tumor that has reappeared and she needs healing and her good health restored. Nancys cousin, Lynn & her family... Strength, healing, comfort, peace, bless her Drs. and nurses. Her pancreatic cancer has returned. Please pray radiation & chemo are successful. Evangelist Pervez & ministry... Guidance, blessings, help, financial support. He needs to buy 300 Bibles to give out to those who dont have one! Rita, her family & the orphan children that she works with... Blessings, healings, comfort, strength and peace. Calvary Chapel Church in Fort Lauderdale, FL and its Pastor Bob Coy & his precious family.... Loretta & family... Blessings, healings, guidance, strength, love, mercy and grace. She also needs God to bring a Godly man into her life. Derrell & his family... Blessings, guidance, love, grace and direction. He needs a financial blessings in his life! John, his family and his ministry, Camel Childrens Home.... Blessings, guidance, healing, strength, direction, meeting his & his ministries every need! My nephew, Jimmy & his family... He hurt his back and had MRI that showed degenerative disc disease and a pinched nerve from a disc . He has been referred to surgeon for evaluation. Needs healing, strength, blessings, comfort & peace. Our bodypump instructor, Judys son, Zachary & their family... He has RA and has no insurance. He is 28 years old. Needs healing, comfort, peace, blessings, God to provide insurance. Genes cousin, Angel Adame and her family... She is in a coma and she has not awakened. Blessings, peace, healing, strength and for God to bring her out of this coma. Heathers son & their family... Healing, guidance, blessings, strength & protection. He has an addiction problem and he needs God in his life. Heathers boyfriend & their family.... Healing, blessings, comfort and strength. He has a drinking problem and he needs to be freed from it. Helen Webb & family.... .. Bro Levi Webb went home to be with our Lord, Jesus Christ. He is a faithful, wonderful man of God and his family needs your loving prayers for blessings, comfort, strength and peace. RIP Levi! Love you & miss you so much! Jaime & family.... Healing, blessing, comfort and peace. She had abdominal surgery on 30th of May and has been back in hospital with infection and fever. A & J and their children... Blessings, guidance, deliverance, strength & peace. This family needs prayers for the husband to be freed from the devils influence and control. He is tearing their marriage apart and causing a great deal of pain & suffering. Heathers grandmother & their family... Blessings, healings, comfort, peace, strength. Her grandmother has Alzheimers. Randy & his family.... Comfort, peace, strength, lifting up. His Aunt Jean went home to be with our Father in heaven. Janis & family... Healing, blessings, strength, comfort, peace... My Braves buddy has been sick for quite awhile. She just got the results back from her most recent scan and her cancer has returned. They will be putting the port back in to begin her chemotherapy very soon.... This is such very sad news and it breaks my heart!!!! Please continue praying for her, her son Dusty and everyone in her precious family! Sherri Castor & family... Protection, blessings, wisdom, peace and grace. This woman was talking of suicide and she needs your love and prayers.... Mike & his family.... Healing, blessings, strength, protection, guidance & direction. Mike is 17 yrs old and needs your prayers. There may be some bullying going on in his life and his family is very concerned. Barbaras sister, Julie and their family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, mercy and grace. Julie has been sick but she is feeling better! Please continue to pray for Julie and everyone in her precious family in your daily prayers! Mark & his family... Healing, blessing, protection, guidance. He is having surgery for cancer on his ears and face. Sandras grandson, Michael, 17 years old & his family... Blessings, healing, protection and safety. He has bleeding from his rectum with no known issues. He sees the doctor very soon. Pray it isnt cancer! Please pray for safety in Middle East, especially in Iraq with the insurgents! Monica & her family... Healing, blessing, protection & comfort. She has been very Ill and was in the ER.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 18:04:17 +0000

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