OVERCOME DARKNESS WITH LIGHT! PASTOR FRANCE “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not” - John 1:5 Our battle in life is largely against the powers of darkness. You could also call them the rulers of darkness “ For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ”. - Eph 6:12 Beloved, the enemies of your life rule only over people who are in spiritual darkness. So when you have spiritual light, you frustrate them. What is spiritual light? God’s Word in your spirit (Ps 119:130). What is spiritual darkness? Ps 82:5 has the answer. It says: “They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness”. Those who “know not” are people walking in darkness. Spiritual darkness therefore connotes spiritual ignorance. The spiritually ignorant fall victim of satan’s antiques. Beloved, to know what the “power of darkness”stands for, you must first of all know satan’s qualifications: (1) He is a deceiver (Rev 12:9); (2) He is a liar (Jn 8:44); (3) He is a trickster (2 Cor 11:3). Satan operates a “lying power” known as lying wonders (2 Thes 2:9). (1) DECEIVER - How can you be deceived? You can be deceived when you do not have the truth . (2) LIAR - How can you be lied to? You can be lied to when you do not have the truth. (3) TRICKSTER - How can you be tricked? You can be tricked when you do not know the truth. Satan was able to trick Eve because she did not know the real situation of things. Satan sold to her what she already had and she bought it. He told her “you will be as God” when she was already like God (Gen 1:26; Gen 3:5). Satan could not succeed with his “lying power” against Jesus in the wilderness because Jesus could not be lied to. He is the truth. (Jn 14:6; Jn 8:32) What did Jesus use to overcome satan? “It is written!” (Matt 4:4,7,10). The Word of God is the light which overcomes powers of darkness. (lie is darkness; Truth is light). Rulers of darkness cannot handle carrier of light. When you lack the Word of God in your spirit, you become a victim of darkness. I am not talking about the stories in the Bible but the mysteries behind the stories. Everybody can assess the stories, but only the spiritual can assess the mysteries. Only the spiritual can assess the voice of the Spirit behind the letter of the Word “I was in the Spirit ... and heard behind me a great voice...” - Rev 1:10. It is the voice of the Spirit behind the Word that releases the light that overcomes darkness into your spirit. So beloved, spend time with the Word. Meditate upon the Word daily, so that you will have enough light in your spirit to overcome the works of darkness in and around your life. Declaration: Lord, I open up to receive the light of your Word into my spirit! Let your light in my spirit overcome darkness in and around my life! In Jesus’ Mighty Name! FURTHER MEDITATION : Psalm 119:130 Step by Step reading through the whole Bible in 1 year: Job 27:1- Job 29:1-25; Acts 24:22- Acts 25:1-12
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 09:55:14 +0000

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