Obama Is Threatening A Veto, But We Say Bring It On. - TopicsExpress


Obama Is Threatening A Veto, But We Say Bring It On. Even Speaker of the House John Boehner knows the score when it comes to Obamas lawlessness. Boehner stated, The fact that the president would threaten to veto a measure requiring him to uphold his Constitutional obligations underscores why this bill is needed, and why Senate Democrats should pass it immediately. Oh yes, Barack Obama is threatening to veto this bill, but what should we expect from a man who brags that he will go around Congress if Congress does not do as HE wants? What should we expect from a man who has proudly and defiantly engaged in lawlessness at every turn? When Obama hasnt gotten what he wants from Congress, he has: check Forced literally dozens of politically-motivated lawless changes to the ObamaCare debacle through Executive fiat. check Effectively granted Amnesty to millions of so-called DREAMers against the wishes of Congress and the American people. check With the swipe of his executive pen, gutted the work requirement of welfare reform. Thats just to name a few examples of the Obama Administrations lawlessness. From the Obama IRS abuses to any one of the other mounting Administration scandals, the list literally goes on and on... After all, Obamas arrogance knows no bounds. Even the liberal medias favorite leftist legal expert and Obama apologist Jonathan Turley seems to acknowledge that Obama believes that our Constitution says what Obama thinks it says at any given moment. Turley writes: The United States is at a constitutional tipping point: The rise of an uber presidency unchecked by the other two branches, and contempt for the separation of powers has accelerated at an alarming rate under Obama. Make no mistake, we want the Senate to bring the Enforce the Law Act of 2014 to Mr. Obamas desk and were going to dare him to veto it. Were going to dare him to explain to every man, woman and child in the United States exactly WHY he VETOED legislation that will help force him to faithfully execute the Constitution and laws of our nation. We can take back this country. We can take back the debate, but to do so we must force those who we elect to high office to act with bold colors and not pale pastels. As Gowdy said: Maybe members of Congress would be respected more if we respected ourselves enough to require that when we pass something, it be treated as law. We agree. We say that the time to push the envelope is now and we say that pushing that envelope starts with patriotic Americans overwhelming Members of the United States Senate with calls and faxes. Let them know that you are paying attention and let them know that you are serious.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:07:03 +0000

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