Obama Outhouse “Presidential Library” Angers Liberals HOME - TopicsExpress


Obama Outhouse “Presidential Library” Angers Liberals HOME OBAMA POLICE STATE GUNS POPULAR GOVERNMENT ECONOMYRACE Obama Outhouse “Presidential Library” Angers LiberalsRobert Gehl Robert Gehl • July 6, 2014 2:17 pm CSTobama presidential library At the Independence Day Parade in Norfolk, Nebraska, a hilarious float has liberals steaming. The float – called the “Obama Presidential Library” shows a zombie-like figure standing outside an outhouse with tiny American flags on the roof. The “library” was on a flat-bed trailer and was being pulled by a pickup truck. There was no sponsor’s sign on the truck. The Omaha World-Herald has received several complaints from people after they published the photo and while there’s absolutely no mention or reference to race, of course Democrats are crying racism. One email, from a person who said she had grown up in northeast Nebraska, called it disrespectful that such a display would be allowed in a parade that celebrates America’s history. The Nebraska Democratic Party also issued a statement, calling it one of the “worst shows of racism and disrespect for the office of the presidency that Nebraska has ever seen.” Most in the crowd cheered and applauded as the float passed by. And while city officials distanced themselves from the float, it received an honorable mention in the judging. Parade announcer Wally Sonnenschein said it was the most popular one in the entire parade. Some still continued to see racism where it didn’t exist. Norfolk resident Glory Kathurima moved to Nebraska from Kenya when she was Malaika’s age and became a naturalized citizen a few years ago. She’s raised her daughter in Norfolk and has found ways to explain the meaning of skin color. She’s turned on the TV and pointed to President Obama, showing Malaika that there was someone that looked like her — half Kenyan, half American. “I’m angry and I’m scared,” Kathurima said. “This float was not just political; this was absolutely a racial statement.” PHOTO: OMAHA WORLD-HERALD
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 16:37:32 +0000

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